BHS Academic Bowl at NOC Tonkawa

TONKAWA - The Blackwell High School Quiz Bowl Team placed 3rd at the Northern Oklahoma College Academic Bowl Jan. 9 at NOC Tonkawa.  Teams from Drummond, Hennessey, Caney Valley, Newkirk, Tonkawa, Hominy, Kremlin-Hillsdale, DCLA, and Crescent participated in the event.  Pictured (L-R):  Angelica Ramirez,  Hunter Easley, Kori Travis, Noah Smith, Eli Jones, coach Amy Haskins.  (photo...

NOC Tonkawa Athletes earn 3.31 GPA for fall semester

 TONKAWA - Northern Oklahoma College Maverick athletes earned a 3.31 GPA for the fall semester, according to NOC Athletic Director Jeremy Hise.   NOC Tonkawa sports include men’s and women’s soccer, men’s and women’s basketball, cheer, softball, and baseball.   The highest GPA was earned by women’s soccer with a...

Tonkawa Man Pronounced Dead Following Motorcycle Accident

TONKAWA - Tonkawa Police Chief has John Whitman confirmed that Chad Hern, 27, who recently moved to Tonkawa from Medford, was travelling at a high speed for weather conditions and was killed in a single-vehicle motorcycle accident on a ramp off of U.S. 60.According to reports from local sources, Hern was not wearing a...

City Of Tonkawa Voting For New City Council Members

Tuesdays upcoming election will also bring the decision of new council members for the city of Tonkawa.. The four candidates running to fill the two seats include Joe Kingery, Stacy Burns, Rick Allan and Scott Klufa. Citizens of Tonkawa will be able to vote from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday at either...

City Of Tonkawa Announces Candidates For Upcoming Election

The City of Tonkawa has announced their candidates for the city council election on April 2. These candidates include Rick Allan, Joe Kingery, Stacy Burns and Scott Klufa. There will be a candidate forum at 6:30 p.m. next Tuesday, March 26, at the Tonkawa Public School Event Center. Citizens will have the opportunity to...

Tonkawa Post Office Celebrating 125th Birthday

Friday, March 9 might just sound like an ordinary day, but it's a actually a special day for the community of Tonkawa. March 9 marks the 125th birthday of Tonkawa's post office which opened in 1894 according to postal records.The petition for a post office was written at the camp of the Old Yellow...

Meeting Of Regents Held At NOC Tonkawa Campus

The Northern Oklahoma College Board of Regents met last week at their monthly Regents meeting at NOC Tonkawa. Chair Dale DeWitt of Braman presided over meeting with Regents Jeff Cowan, Jodi Cline and Stan Brownlee present and Regent Chad Dillingham absent. The regents heard a program showcase from Troy Cochran, Social Science faculty. He...

Tonkawa Chamber To Host Candidate Forum On Tuesday

The Tonkawa Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a Candidate Forum prior to the April 2 city council elections. The forum will take place at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26, at the Tonkawa Public School Event Center. The forum will be a Q&A with the candidates for City Council. The questions for the community will...

Three Intersections In Tonkawa To Recieve City Work

There will be three intersections with Main Street in Tonkawa that will receive repairs at the end of the month. The three intersections are listed below.Main and Stone Main and Victory Main and WalkerThe intersections will be done separately as Main and Stone, which will start February 28, will be the first intersection...

Tonkawa School Board Approves New 2019-2020 Calendar

The Tonkawa Board of Education members met on Monday night and approved the 2019-2020 school calendar. In the absence of Superintendent Lori Simpson, the board tabled the rehiring of principals until next month. The board also decided to table action on the summer food program. Tonkawa schools has been averaging five to six breakfasts...

Two City Incumbents File For Tonkawa City Election

Two of the three incumbents in the Tonkawa city elections this year have announced that they are seeking re-election. The city election is scheduled for Tuesday, April 2. The filings were held February 4-6 at the election board office in the Kay County Courthouse in Newkirk.At press time Tuesday, only ward three incumbent Jack...

TSET Approves $20,000 Grant For Tonkawa Schools

The TSET Board of Directors have approved incentive grants for schools that have passed policies to help students learn healthy habits early and promote health for students, teachers and staff through the TSET Healthy Incentive Program.Tonkawa Public Schools was awarded $20,000. TSET funds were awarded to 21 school districts and 2 school sites as...