East Middle School Students To Demonstrate Used Technology

The students at East Middle School in Ponca City will be demonstrating the technology they use on Tuesday, March 12. There will be snacks and random drawing giveaways. This is a part of Google Slam.The snacks will be served from 5:30 p.m. until 6 p.m. Demonstrations will be from 6:10 p.m. until 7 p.m....

Kay County Students Make It To OSU Honor Roll

A total of 6,700 students made the Oklahoma State University Honor Roll for the 2018 fall semester, which also included 2,747 students named to the President's Honor Roll for earning an "A" grade in all their courses. Full-time undergraduate students who completed 12 or more hours with a 4.0 GPA made the President's Honor...

Forum Held For Local Students

The Attucks Community Alliance, through a grant from Phillips 66 and in collaboration with Philips 66 Black Employee Network hosted a STEM forum for Ponca City High School students and their parents. STEM is the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and is a dominant goal in education.A panel of representatives from Northern...

Four Po-Hi Students Selected for All-State Choirs

Four Ponca City Senior High School students have been selected for All-State Choirs. Being selected for the All-State Choirs represents a significant achievement for Oklahoma high school singers. Over 2,000 students state-wide audition with only about 200 earning a place in the choirs. The rigorous audition process begins with students learning and perfecting four challenging...

Local Students Nominated To OCU Honor Roll

The Oklahoma City University President's Honor Roll for Fall 2018 was recently announced. Two of the members that were named to the roll are from Northern Oklahoma. Cerena Chaney of Kaw City and Ellen Roth of Tonkawa were both nominated.Students completed a minimun of 12 credit hours during the fall 2018 semester, while maintaining...

Union Students Complete Math Masters Program

Six students at Union Elementary received recognition for completing all 20 levels of the Math Masters program. Union Principal Dr. Trina Resler said, "Math Masters is a program we use at Union to increase our fact fluency. Students are tested weekly on 100 problems from addition...

Woodlands PIE Partners Present Gift Cards to Students

Woodlands Elementary School’s P.I.E. (Partners in Education) Partners, Blackwell Dentistry and Exploration Destination, presented four lucky Woodlands Wildcats with $25 Walmart gift cards.  Students earn “Wild Cards” for following procedures, then spending them on fun prizes and privileges.  All of the Wild Cards that have been spent are periodically put in a drawing.  These...

Ponca City FCCLA Students Place In State Event

Po- Hi and East Middle School FCCLA students recently competed in the FCCLA Regional STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Event held at Canadian Valley Career Technology Center.  Madison Ailey and Kally Horn from East Middle placed 3rd in Junior Interpersonal Communication Skills.  Selena Mireles from Po-Hi placed 1st in Senior Children's Literature and advanced to the...

CareerTech Cosmetology Students Competing At Pioneer Tech Center

The Pioneer Technology Center in Ponca City is welcoming the CareerTech Cosmetology students that will be competing today, February 11, on the P.T.C. campus.Cosmetology allows students to utilize creativity with hands-on experience that helps benefit towards a career that provides a profitable and rewarding experience.

Garfield Students Visit Phillips 66

Students at Garfield Elementary got the chance to visit Phillips 66 and eat lunch as an attendant incentive.  Students can be seen in the given image enjoying a delicious lunch. 

Lincoln fifth grade students win reading challenge

The fifth grade classes at Lincoln and Union Elementary schools in Ponca City recently held a reading challenge. The goal was to earn the most AR points. The school with the least amount of points had to take a bus to the other school and serve all the fifth graders ice cream sundaes. Lincoln...