Fair week set for 2021

The City of Blackwell lately approved a sub-lease agreement with the Kay County Fair Board to host the long-running fair, which was cancelled for the first time in over 100 years in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Fair week for 2021 will be September 14 through the 19.

NOC’s Arts Adventure Summer Camp set for July

Arts Adventure Camp held at NOC July 20-22This year marks the 30th anniversary of Arts Adventure Summer Camp. It began in 1991 and was held on the grounds of the Marland Mansion. In 2000, it moved to the campus of Northern Oklahoma College in Tonkawa.

Street Work on Princeton at 14th Set To Begin Friday Night

The City of Ponca City has contracted with Evans & Associates Construction Company to mill and overlay a section of Princeton Avenue from 14th Street to approximately 700 feet west. Work on this project is scheduled to begin Friday, June 11 at 8:00 p.m. The project is being started after normal...

Tonkawa Film Festival set for May 21-22

The Tonkawa Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the 2021 "Tonkawa Film Festival" on Saturday, May 22 starting at 12 p.m. in downtown Tonkawa!You can enjoy the one-of-a-kind Film Festival parade including visiting Filmmakers from around the world.They are looking for fun and unusual entrants for the parade.  If that's you, please email...

Flight Academy set for this summer

The Northern Oklahoma Flight Academy announced recently that they are going to have a flight academy this summer, June 22-25, 2021. It will be a "hybrid"- part in person and part remote via electronic connections. See the photo of our recent press release in the photos for details. Also in the photos...

Public hearing set for April 23 in Blackwell

The City of Blackwell will be holding a public hearing on Friday, April 23, at 9 a.m. inside City Hall.The purpose of this hearing is to invite citizens for input on making applications for a community development block grant through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce.The proposed project will be to make improvements to the...

Concrete pour for the new Ponca City Public Safety Center set for Friday

A concrete pour for the construction of the new Ponca City Public Safety Center is scheduled for Friday, April 2.This pour may start as early as 2:00 a.m. Trucks will be traveling north, from South Avenue on Fourth Street. There will be bright lights and noise outside of normal work hours. For additional information,...

Mass vaccination event set for Wednesday in White Eagle

The White Eagle Health Center announced that there will be a free mass vaccination event on Wednesday, March 24, from 12 p.m.-6 p.m. at 101 White Eagle Drive.T-shirts will be given to the first 500 participants. All persons in the area are eligible for this event. WEHC will be offering the Moderna Vaccine to...

Dates set for Ponca City’s spring cleanup and citywide garage sale

The City of Ponca City announced Tuesday that the citywide Spring Cleanup will be April 10th-17th!This is a great opportunity to clean up your yard, garage, or shop and get rid of unwanted items. We will post what will and will not be accepted soon. If you wish to recycle during the cleanup, call...

Local garage sales set in spring

As spring is approaching, local communities have announced garage sale dates. Tonkawa will have their city-wide garage sale on Saturday, April 3. Blackwell will have their later in the season on June 5. Local newspapers will provide maps of garage sales with a small fee for those wanting to get their sales on a...