Section Of 85th Road, AKA Cowley 17, To Close Tuesday

A small section of road on Cowley 17, also known as 85th Road or the Old Highway between Winfield and Ark City, will be closed all day Tuesday.According to Cowley County Public Works Monday morning, work will be on a stretch 4 tenths of a mile on the old highway north of the 232nd...

Newkirk Public Schools taking public lease bids on section of land

The Newkirk Public School will be taking public lease bids on 12.6 acres less or more of grass land with pond located 701 So Magnolia Newkirk. Some fencing repair and/or temporary fencing will need to be completed.Land Lease bid is due Tuesday, 17th 12:00 noon. Bid Sheets are available in the Central Office.

Section of Hartford Avenue CLOSED starting today

Sober Brothers, Inc. has entered a contract with the City of Ponca City to construct a new 10-inch water line along Hartford Avenue from Fifth Street to Seventh Street to replace an existing deteriorated water main. The project will include the removal and replacement of existing pavement along the south half of Hartford Avenue.The...

Section of Hartford Avenue closed starting Monday

Sober Brothers, Inc. has entered a contract with the City of Ponca City to construct a new 10-inch water line along Hartford Avenue from Fifth Street to Seventh Street to replace an existing deteriorated water main. The project will include the removal and replacement of existing pavement along the south half of Hartford Avenue.The...

Section of US-60 shut down Monday due to accident

Both eastbound and westbound lanes of US-60 were shut down on Monday after two tractor-trailer semis were involved in a non-injury collision at Interstate-35 near Tonkawa.Traffic was detoured through Tonkawa and alternate routes, as a result. At approximately 2:30 p.m., a tractor-trailer semi traveling eastbound...

Section of 7th Street closed due to water main break

The City of Ponca City announced Wednesday morning that they will be closing 7th street from highland to hazel due to a water main break. The city apologizes for the inconvenience! One route people can use for detour is nearby 5th street.

Section of Walnut Avenue to be closed for construction

Beginning August 31, 2020, Walnut Avenue from 4th Street west to the alley will be closed and construction will begin for the new Ponca City Public Safety Center. This portion of Walnut Avenue will remain closed during the construction.KSB Enterprises, LLC (KSB) of Ponca City is the Construction Manager...