Ponca Tribe donates 17,000 masks to PCPS

The Ponca Tribe recently donated 17,000 masks to Ponca City Public Schools. Emily Cornell, emergency management department of the Ponca Tribe, said they have been getting masks and hand sanitizer out to the community to keep them safe. “Our children attend Ponca City Public Schools and we felt they should all be protected at...

PCPS reports 10 new COVID-19 cases for the week of Sept. 13

Last week, Ponca City Public Schools had their best week of the year as far as COVID-19 is concerned. PCPS had 10 staff members or students test positive last week, and only 3 positives resulted in a contact tracing investigation. Fewer students were in class with symptoms or waiting testing results due to symptoms. PCPS...

Ponca City residents to vote on bond for PCPS

Ponca City residents will vote on a proposed bond project on Oct. 12, 2021. Every single school site in the Ponca City Public School district will see an improvement. This seven-year $49.7 million bond project, with an additional $10 million of CARES funds, will allow improvements to the school district and aid in the...

Today Is the Final Day to Register to Vote in PCPS school bond election

The last day to apply for voter registration in order to be eligible to vote in the Oct. 12, 2021, school bond election for Ponca City Public Schools will be today, Sept. 17. Applications must be received at the Kay County Election Board in Newkirk or postmarked no later than midnight tonight. Applications postmarked after...

PCPS announces plans for Homecoming Parade

Ponca City Public Schools announced that the Homecoming Parade will be held Thursday, Sept. 16 at 6 p.m. The parade will start at the railroad tracks at Grand and Union in downtown Ponca City. The parade route will go down Grand to Fifth Street, turn north and end on the front lawn of the Ponca...

PCPS sees 20 new COVID-19 cases for the week of

In a weekly update on Monday, Ponca City Public Schools reported a total of 20 new COVID-19 cases, 49 close contacts and 69 total individuals affected for the week of September 6. The numbers are an improvement compared to the week of August 30 which saw 61 new COVID-19 cases and 480 close contacts. Ponca...

PCPS reports 61 new COVID-19 cases for the week of August 31

Ponca City Public Schools reported a total of 61 new COVID-19 cases, 480 close contacts and 541 total people affected for the week of August 31. Monday, August 30, was the highest day on record with 28 new positive cases. Comparatively, PCPS experienced more in-school positive cases last week than they did at their highest...

PCPS releases letter following changes to letters and guidance for schools

Letter to PCPS Families Dear PCPS family, COVID-19 cases continue to rise across Oklahoma. There is nothing more important to our school district than the safety and health of our students, our staff and their families. PCPS is working directly with county health officials to address this issue. PCPS has received updated guidance from the Oklahoma State...

PCPS reports 33 new COVID-19 cases in weekly update

Ponca City Public Schools shared a COVID-19 weekly update on Sunday, and 33 new positive cases were reported between August 23-27. PCPS also noted 181 close contacts and 214 total affected. A total of 10 PCPS staff members are out due to COVID as of August 29. This includes two for Po-Hi and one each...

Masks required for all PCPS transportation networks

Ponca City Public Schools announced Thursday that by federal order, masks are required for all public transportation networks. This includes any transportation with more than one person in school buses and school vans. Masks are mandated on all PCPS school buses.

PCPS uveils new message going into the school year

The following is a message from Ponca City Public Schools.  Back-to-school assemblies were held Friday and Monday mornings for all certified and support staff personnel from Ponca City Public Schools.Superintendent Shelley Arrott said, “I know I don’t have to...