PCPS Board of Education Spotlight

In salute and gratitude to the more than 2,700 Oklahoma school board members, January 2022 has been designated as School Board Recognition Month.School Board Recognition Month honors the efforts of thousands of men and women who help to shape the direction of Oklahoma public education and their collective focus on student achievement. School board...

PCPS shares inclement weather policy

With winter weather here, PCPS officials want to remind students, staff, parents and patrons of how they will be notified if school is closed due to inclement weather. PCPS Superintendent Shelley Arrott stated, “The safety of our students, staff and community is our first priority, and we will take every step we can to...

PCPS Names New Head Softball Coach

Jaden Hawkins-Wedel has been hired as the new head softball coach for Ponca City Public Schools. She grew up in Ponca City and was the Lady Cats short-stop from 2011-2015. She is a graduate of Ponca City High School and went on to play softball for the Northern Oklahoma College Jets in Enid before...

PCPS Mourns Loss of Garfield Educator

Ponca City Public Schools mourns the loss of longtime Team PCPS member Judy Swain, who died on Tuesday morning.Judy was hired by PCPS before the start of the 1998-1999 school year and served as a substitute teacher for the district three years prior to that. She spent her first year at Lincoln Elementary and...

PCPS Board of Education Filing Period Opens Soon

The Ponca City Public School Board of Education hereby announces that any statutorily qualified individual interested in running as a candidate on the Ponca City School Board of Education may file for this seat at the Kay County Election Board. The Ponca City Board of Education has two positions vacant this year.Ward #2 is...

PCPS reports 3 in-school contact traces for last week

Last week, Ponca City Public Schools had 3 in-school contact traces. This includes 2 at East Middle School and 1 at West Middle School. East Middle School has seen an increase in cases the last 2 weeks, but the majority of those affected by COVID-19 are returning to school this week.On Monday morning, EMS...

PCPS sees 16 new COVID-19 cases

Last week, Ponca City Public Schools had 11 more in-school positive COVID-19 cases in effect then the previous week as 16 new cases were reported.PCPS also saw 42 close contacts and 58 in total affected. There was one in-school contact tracing investigation at Union Elementary, which resulted in several close contacts converting to positives...

Ponca City residents voting on $49.7 million bond project today for PCPS

Ponca City residents will vote on a proposed $49.7 million bond project today for Ponca City Public Schools. This seven-year bond package also includes an additional $10 million of CARES funds that will allow improvements to the district that aid in the mitigation and spread of COVID-19.What does a YES vote mean?A “yes” vote...

Renovation on softball complex included in proposed bond issue election for PCPS

Included in the proposed bond issue election that will be voted on by Ponca City residents on Oct. 12 is renovation work to the current softball complex located at West Middle School.Adam Leaming, Executive Director of Operations Intern, said, “The softball program has experienced growth over the last few years and unfortunately our softball...