PCPS Celebrates National School Lunch Heroes Day!

This is National School Lunch Heroes Day, and the Ponca City Public School District has been celebrating their Child Nutrition Lunch Heroes all morning. School administrators hand-delivered special gift bags full of goodies to all PCPS Lunch Heroes serving on the front lines.Superintendent Shelley Arrott explained, “Our Lunch Heroes have shielded our communities from...

PCPS celebrates National School Principal’s Day

May 1 is School Principal’s Day! During this time, it is more important than ever to say thank you to school principals. Strong leadership is always needed, and during these unprecedented times, Ponca City Public School Principals have been remarkable!PCPS Superintendent Shelley Arrott said, “We are thankful for their dedication and enthusiasm that you...

PCPS update for April 26

West Middle School, East Middle School, and Po-Hi Continuous Learning Activities   pick-up for the weeks of April 27 and May 4 are Monday, April 27 from 4:00-6:00 PM.  However, if you prefer to download and print the activities,...

PCPS Athletes Baylee Fincher and Ryley Beard Selected to OGBCA State teams

Baylee Fincher, Senior at Ponca City High School was recently selected to the 2020 Oklahoma Girls Basketball Coaches Association (OGBCA) All State team. Baylee averaged 15.7 points per game and 6.2 rebounds as a senior and scored 1334 points in her career as a Lady Cat. She was also selected to the VYPE Top 100...

PCPS releases update Wednesday with graduation information

The following is a press release from Ponca City Public Schools on Wednesday, April 22. Details about graduation are provided Senior Families: It is important to schedule some dates for senior traditions that have been long-standing and to replicate as much normalcy as possible during this global pandemic based on the current...

PCPS “Got Books” Program Continuing

The Ponca City Public School System is committed to promoting literacy in our schools and throughout the community. For the past three years the district has purchased five new books for every PreK through 2nd Grade student in the district. The goal of this literacy initiative entitled “Got Books”, is to build students’ personal home...

PCPS Elementary In-District Transfer Window

The Ponca City Public School elementary in-district transfer request window opened January 6, 2020 and will close on May 1, 2020.  Parents or legal guardians of elementary students requesting an in-district transfer from the student’s home attendance site to another elementary site within the district must complete and submit the PCPS in-district transfer application and...

PCPS Names New Head Band Director

Dineo Heilmann has been named Head Band Director for Ponca City Public Schools. Professor Heilmann began his teaching career in 1995 and retired in 2019 from NOC.  In his 34 years of teaching, he has taught for the Chelsea Public School system, Northern Oklahoma College, Phillips University, and Northwestern Oklahoma State University.  He holds degrees from NOC, OSU and...

PCPS update for April 19, 2020

Washington PreK and all elementary school Continuous Learning Activities pick-up for the weeks of April 20 and April 27 are Monday, April 20 from 4:00-6:00 PM. However, if you prefer to download and print the activities, they will be online by 5:00 PM on Sunday, April 19. If you have them available, bring packets from the weeks of April 6 and April 13...

PCPS Friday Night Lights tonight

PCPS FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS event tonight will be at the Ponca City High School Softball Field located behind WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL from 9:00 PM -10:00 PM. This event is to promote school spirit and let our students & families know we are still here and we miss them.We would like to invite our students,...

PCPS looking at possible later date for graduation ceremony

The following is an update from Ponca City Public Schools Superintendent Shelley Arrott. Parents of Seniors,We are going to push back the date of our graduation ceremony in hopes that the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. The May 15 Graduation Ceremony will be postponed, but PCPS is planning for a traditional graduation ceremony at a later...

PCPS April 12 COVID-19 & Continuous Learning Update

West Middle School, East Middle School, and Po-Hi Continuous Learning Activities pick-up for the weeks of April 13 and April 20 are scheduled for Monday, April 13 from 4:00-6:00 PM. However, if you prefer to download and print the activities, they will be...