PCPS Superintendent Releases Letter Regarding New Procedures And Protocols

As students return to class, Ponca City Public Schools Superintendent Shelley Arrott has released the following letter in regards procedures and protocols: Dear Wildcat Families,Thank you for your patience during the first days of the 2020-2021 School Year. With students returning to the classroom for the first time since the beginning of the global pandemic,...

AllianceHealth Ponca City Donates 1,700 Masks to PCPS

AllianceHealth Ponca City donated 1,700 adult sized masks to Ponca City Public Schools for students in grades 8-12.  The masks are Wildcat navy and red with the AllianceHealth logo.  “We are so thankful to AllianceHealth for providing much needed masks to help keep our students, staff, and community as healthy as possible during these turbulent times,” said...

PCPS provides virtual tour of West Middle School

Ponca City Public Schools has provided a virtual tour of West Middle School. This can be helpful for students and parents who have never been in that building. PCPS is planning on trying to do one for each school. 

Keri Bartley is PCPS 2021 District Teacher of the Year

Roosevelt Elementary School Fourth Grade Teacher Keri Bartley has been selected as the new Ponca City Public School 2021 District Teacher of the Year! The announcement was made at the Virtual Teacher of the Year Celebration held on August 13 in the Concert Hall. The theme this year for the TOY Celebration was...

PCPS Transportation Students Need to Contact Transportation Department

As the school year approaches, all Ponca City Public School Transportation students will need to call the Transportation Department to setup transportation for their student(s).    Parents need to call for regular/special needs students, regardless of them riding last year. With all the changes we aren’t sure if they will be attending school or going...

Instructions Released for PCPS Virtual Academy Students

All Ponca City Public School Virtual Academy students and parents should have received an email from Ryan Dooley, [email protected], on Monday, August 3, 2020. Within this email is a link for students to schedule a time to pick-up technology needed, receive information about PCVA, collect neck gaiters, and meet teachers. There...

PCPS posts update video for Aug. 4

Parents, the last day to enroll in Virtual Academy, Learning Options 2 or 3, is the end of the day on Thursday, August 6th. Once school begins, PCPS will allow parents to switch Learning Options once throughout the 1st semester. However, PCPS must confirm their numbers for staffing before school starts. The application may...

PCPS Face Coverings Team Store Still Open To Place Your Order by August 3

The Ponca City Public Schools Face Coverings Team Store is now open through August 3, 2020! Available for purchase are youth and adult size masks and adult size activity masks, or neck gaiters. A sizing guide is available for viewing at the Team Store (link below), but elementary children will definitely need a youth...

Registration Still Open Until July 29 For PCPS

Registration continues until tomorrow, July 29, for the Ponca City Public School district's 2020-21 school year.Returning PCPS middle school and high school students may register through the parent portal. Elementary students that are returning may send "Proof of Residency" to [email protected] and new students can also register at 111 W. Grand Ave. in downtown...