PCPS on Winter Break until January 4

As per the 2020-2021 PCPS calendar, there will be no school December 21, 2020 through January 4, 2021. Students will report back on Tuesday, January 5, 2021. Teachers report back on Monday, January 4 for a workday. The Central Administration Building will be closed December 23, 2020 through January 1, 2021 and...

PCPS releases new COVID-19 update for December 15

The following is the December 15 COVID-19 update for Ponca City Public Schools: "December 15, 2020Dear PCPS Parents, Staff, and Community Members:The Board of Education approved the recommendation that PCPS students return to in-person instruction on Tuesday, January 5, 2021. If conditions adversely change between now and January 5, 2021, the Board could reconvene, through...

PCPS releases COVID-19 update for Dec. 13

The following letter is from Ponca City Public Schools Superintendent Shelley Arrott"Dear PCPS Parents, Staff, and Community Members:The entire PCPS District has been on Distance Learning since November 23, or for the last 12 school days, and many are understandably concerned about the instructional delivery options for the 2nd semester. The Board of Education...

Join the PCPS 3 W’s Campaign

PCPS is starting a new 3 W's Campaign. We will have a new video every week encouraging people to practice the 3 W's. This first one is our Washington PreK Principal Tina Fisher. We love and miss our students and they need to be back in school. If everyone will practice the 3 W's,...

December 7 COVID-19 update for PCPS

Ponca City Public Schools reported 18 in-school positive COVID-19 cases last week. PCPS still has staff in their buildings and the KCHD still reports student positive to the district while on Distance Learning. In addition, Pioneer Technology Center reports district positives while they are on their A/B schedule.The total number of in-school positive cases...

PCPS COVID-19 Update

Last week, a total of 21 positive in-school COVID-19 cases were reported for Ponca City Public Schools, which was an increase from 18 cases the previous week. The week of Nov. 16 reflected the highest number of COVID-19 cases the district has experienced in one week.The COVID Alert System Risk Level increased this week...

PCPS Wildcat Academy Announces October Student of the Month

Haley Eck has been selected as the Wildcat Academy student of the month for October. Haley was selected because of her strong work ethic, attendance, and her classroom behavior. She was presented with a certificate and a Sonic gift card donated by Jodi Cline, Edward D. Jones Investments, PIE partner for Wildcat Academy.

PCPS sees 18 new COVID-19 cases in the past week

Last week, there were a total of 18 in-school positive COVID-19 cases for Ponca City Public Schools: Po-Hi-14, West-2, East-1 and District Offices-1. Po-Hi transitioned to Distance Learning on Wednesday, Nov. 11, and will return November 30. (Po-Hi has 12% of enrolled students attending PCVA or Wildcat Academy.)The COVID Alert System Risk Level increased...

Grab and Go meals being served for PCPS students

Grab and Go Meals will be available for all Ponca City High School students through the Distance Learning transition timeframe due the surge in COVID-19 cases. Students may pick-up lunch and the following day’s breakfast from 11:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M. beginning Wednesday, November 11 through Tuesday, November 24. Meals may be picked...

PCPS experienced their highest number of in-school COVID-19 cases last week

The COVID Alert System Risk Level increased this week from 22.3-Orange Level 1 Moderate Risk to 27.9-Orange Level 2 Moderate Risk +.Last week, PCPS experienced the highest number of in-school positive cases since school started, after experiencing two record low weeks. There were 15 in-school positive cases that resulted in 7 contact tracing investigations,...

PCPS back in class today

As of 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, all Ponca City Public School sites have power, except Wildcat Academy. ​Ponca City Public Schools WILL BE IN SESSION today, Thursday, October 29. ​In addition to academic instruction, PCPS has many students who need two hot meals and warmth because their homes have not had power. The safety...

PCPS Planning for Possible Distance Learning Day Due to Inclement Weather

All PCPS students, who do not have access to a device or reliable Internet, will bring home a chrome book and hot spot on Monday, October 26 to prepare for a possible Distance Learning Day due to inclement weather forecasted for Tuesday, October 27.  Superintendent, Shelley Arrott, will make a decision no later than 6:00 PM...