PCPS Maintenance Employees Working Hard To Sand School Parking Lots & Side Walks

The Ponca City Public School Maintenance crew has been very busy this week sanding school parking lots and sidewalks all across the district. Keeping students, parents, and staff members safe is top priority for the Maintenance Department. Superintendent Shelley Arrott said, “Our Maintenance Department Rocks! They wear many hats and have...

PCPS Will Make Decisions for Remainder of Week on Day-to-Day Basis

As we announced on Monday, school and activities are cancelled for Ponca City Public Schools today, February 9, 2021. There will be no Distance Learning on Tuesday, February 9. However, in the event the weather continues to decline throughout the week, PCPS wants their students to be able to participate in Distance...

Free ACT Tests for PCPS Seniors

Po-Hi is excited to offer a FREE ACT test to all PCPS Seniors on March 2 at 8:00 am. Students must be registered by February 12 to participate in the testing. The Senior ACT test is free and available to all PCPS Seniors. Location and additional information will be shared with participants at a later date.Communication will...

PCPS COVID-19 update for the week of January 25

Ponca City Public Schools has shared their weekly COVID-19 report for the week of January 25-29. The data for the weekend of January 23 and 24 is reflected on January 25. The chart and information below shows the district's COVID-19 data for this past week.

PCPS Announces Homecoming and Cheer & Hi-Stepper Senior Night

When: Tuesday, February 2; Friday, February 5.   What: Basketball Homecoming; Cheer and Hi-Stepper Senior Night  Where: Robson Fieldhouse  We would like to remind our spectators of the following safety protocols:Each participant will be allowed four spectators of their choice. Face coverings are required at all times. ...

PCPS Reporting 11 Contact Tracing Investigations For Week Of January 18

This COVID-19 update will provide data regarding contract tracing investigations and number of individuals affected by COVID-19 from the week of January 18 through January 22. The weekend data from January 16 and 17 is reflected on Monday, January 18. The chart attached and information provided by PCPS explain's the districts COVID-19 data from...

PCPS shares COVID-19 update for January 18

Ponca City Public Schools has released a COVID-19 update for Monday, January 18. In the update, PCPS says they appreciate the in-person instructional time they had last week. However, as expected, there were many close contact quarantines at Po-Hi and several elementary classrooms transitioned to Distance Learning. Po-Hi will remain on Distance Learning due...

PCPS Follow-up to Governor’s New Quarantine Guidelines

PCPS Families, The announcement from Governor Stitt’s press release regarding a possible change in quarantines was new information for all of us.  Schools had no notice or no warning this announcement was coming.  We have no written guidance from the Oklahoma State Department of Health, and we will make no changes to our...

PCPS releases COVID-19 update for January 10

Ponca City Public Schools returned to in-person learning last week. PCPS said in a January 10 press release that while it was great seeing the students again, there were multiple isolations and close contact quarantines. In fact, many students didn't start back to school because they tested positive for COVID-19 or were a close...

PCPS update on learning options going into January 2021

As previously communicated, the Ponca City Board of Education approved a return date of January 5, 2021, for PCPS students. PCPS will inform the school family if any changes are made to the instructional delivery or their In-person return date no later than January 2, 2021. However, PCPS realizes there are many students and...