Newkirk football coach takes job at Nowata

Newkirk Head Football Coach Graham Snelding said on Wednesday that he recently accepted the Head Football coaching position at Nowata.According to Newkirk Public Schools on Facebook, Snelding says that he enjoyed his time at Newkirk and it will always hold a special place in his heart. Snelding is very appreciative of how the community...

Newkirk Main Street Designb Committee Seeking Donations

The Newkirk Main Street design committee is seeking donations of historic items or baked goods. While those items are preferred, gift certificates for goods or services are also welcome. All proceeds benefit NMS design grants. Drop off between noon and 5 p.m. Monday through Wednesday at the NMS office, 116 N. Main St.

Ponca City man critically injured in accident north of Newkirk

A personal injury collision happened at 12:20 a.m. Wednesday morning on U.S. 77 at Judo Road 7 miles north of Newkirk in Kay County.Roy Mann, 53, of Ponca City was driving a 2013 Kawasaki southbound on U.S. 77 when he was hit by a 1998 Chevrolet 1500 that was turning northbound onto U.S. 77....

Newkirk Mayor Releases Statement

From Newkirk City Mayor Brian Hobbs, After many phone calls last night and meetings over the last few weeks with the health department,  the chairman of public health in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, as well as other legislators. Hobbs said he would rather err on the side of cation in regards to (corona virus)...

Newkirk Public Schools Releases Statement Following Comments During Basketball Game

Following comments made during the introduction of the girl's district basketball game in Newkirk Friday night, Newkirk Public Schools Superintendent Brady Barnes released the following statement."While introducing players at Friday night’s girls high school basketball game, the District’s long-time announcer made an unfortunate and inappropriate personal comment concerning the names of some of the...

ODOT Awarded Contract To Resurface U.S. 77 Near Newkirk

NEWKIRK - U.S. Highway 77 north of Newkirk is a stretch of highway that provides potholes and no shoulders, making it difficult for vehicles to drive on. That is likely to change as the Oklahoma Department of Transportation was recently awarded a $9 million contract to resurface the highway.Evans & Associates won the bid...

Newkirk And Tonkawa Propositions Both Pass

Voters in Tonkawa made their ways to the polls on Tuesday to vote on a new city proposition, and Newkirk residents voted on a proposition for Newkirk Public School District I-125. Both propositions di pass. Posted below are unofficial election results provided to us by Kay County.

Two Newkirk Juveniles Injured In Accident

Two juveniles were involved in an injury accident that occurred on Saturday, Feb. 8 at 4:30 p.m. on the Arkansas River near State Line Road, located eight miles north and 6.5 miles east of Newkirk in Kay County.While the collision was not not reported by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol until 11:38 p.m. Saturday, the...

Newkirk School System Hosts Active Attack Scenario

The Newkirk Public School system hosted an Active Attack Scenario on Monday, Jan. 20. It was only a scenario, but the training was real. Newkirk also did not have school on Monday. The Kay County Sheriff's Office appreciates everyone's cooperation.

Candidates For Newkirk City Commission

After the deadline on Wednesday, Jan. 8, three candidates have filed for seat No. 1 of the Newkirk City Commissioner.The candidates are Ryan Shawn Smykil, 43, Eliot Tucker, 43, and Joe Anderson, 74, Anderson is the current incumbent after he was appointed to the seat.A non-partisan general election will take place on Feb. 11....

Candidates Can File For Newkirk Municipal

NEWKIRK - Candidates for municipal office of Commissioner Number 1 of the City of Newkirk file Declarations of Candidacy beginning at 8 a.m. Monday, January 6, 2020.Cheryl Howard, Secretary of the County Election Board, said the filing period ends at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 8, 2020.Declarations of Candidacy will be accepted at the...

Wind Farm Meeting Set For Wednesday In Newkirk

Newkirk area residents who have voiced concerns about the proposed wind farm to be constructed near Newkirk and Kildare will have an opportunity to receive information and voice their concern about the wind farm being close to Newkirk City Limits. Duke Energy Renewables, the company responsible for the proposed wind farm, will hold a...