Oklahoma State’s School of Business to induct three new Hall of Fame Members

(STILLWATER, Oklahoma, Aug. 9, 2022) — Oklahoma State University’s Spears School of Business will honor three alumni — OSU President Emeritus Burns Hargis, Jay Helm and Stacy McMahan — with their induction into the school’s Hall of Fame on Nov. 11 at the ConocoPhillips OSU Alumni Center.The annual Spears Business Hall of Fame banquet recognizes...

Kay Electric members to see higher than normal monthly bills in the coming months due to the market fuel generation costs

ATTENTION KAY ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS!!! With the high temperatures, high residential electric usage that goes along with the summer heat, limited fuel supply for electric generation and supply chain shortages, Kay Electric members will be seeing higher than normal monthly bills in the coming months due to the market fuel generation costs. We are doing...

Pioneer Tech Recognizes School Board Members

Ponca City, OK------ January is School Board Recognition Month. Pioneer Technology Center (PTC) recognized their board members at the January PTC Board of Education meeting earlier this month. Serving as a link between the community and tech center, school board members are elected to establish the policies that provide the framework for...

Kay Electric Sending Crew Members To Assist With Hurricane Laura Damage

Pictured from L-R are Linemen Jim Rigdon, Payden Day, Jacob Barr, Cody Johnson and Clinton White. Kay Electric Cooperative made the announcement early Friday that "Cooperation Among Cooperatives" is once again in full swing.KEC is sending five crew members to assist Panola-Harrison Electric Cooperative in Marshall, Texas as they sustained damage from the recent...

East Middle School Student Council Members Spend Week Visiting Local Nursing Homes

East Middle School Student Council members spent a week recently visiting local nursing homes. Students brought candy for the staff and a banner to hang for Valentine’s. They distributed flowers for the residents and spent some time talking with them and listening to their stories.  Student Council member Mackenzie Osborn said, “I really enjoyed making connections...

Newkirk And Braman Electing New Mayor And Board Of Trustees Members

The Kay County communities of Newkirk and Braman will be deciding new members for the board of trustees, and Newkirk will decide a new mayor. Running for the city mayor in Newkirk are Brian Hobbs and Roy Dietrich. The candidates running for board of trustees offices 1 and 3 in Braman include Michael Barton,...

City Of Tonkawa Voting For New City Council Members

Tuesdays upcoming election will also bring the decision of new council members for the city of Tonkawa.. The four candidates running to fill the two seats include Joe Kingery, Stacy Burns, Rick Allan and Scott Klufa. Citizens of Tonkawa will be able to vote from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday at either...