Washington Pre-K Center Moves to Distance Learning

Due to staffing shortages, the Washington Pre-K Center in Ponca City will transition to Distance Learning beginning Thursday, Sept. 2, 2021. It will reopen again on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021. One day is a holiday, Sept. 6, and one day is a Professional Development Day, Sept. 13, so students would not have been in...

Ponca City Senior Center having lunch and special presentation Friday

The Ponca City Senior Center would like to invite community seniors to lunch and a special presentation from members of the Ponca City Police Department, on Friday July 16th.The presentation on cyber awareness will inform seniors about some of the pitfalls that exist online and how best to avoid them. Seniors are increasingly targeted...

Phone lines down for KSO and Detention Center

The phone lines to the Kay County Sheriff’s Office and the Detention Center are currently not working. Dial 911 if there is an emergency or contact your local municipal law enforcement agency and they will contact the Sheriff’s Office.

University Center CEO Adam Leaming resigning in June

Ponca City's University Center announced on Facebook that after serving 8 years as UC CEO, Adam Leaming has announced his resignation effective June 30th, 2021 and has accepted a position with Ponca City Public Schools, pending PCPS board approval. The UC Board of Trustees will officially accept...

Ponca City Senior Center having “Mystery Bus Trip” on May 14

The Senior Center will have a “Mystery Bus Trip” on Friday, May 14. The bus will leave at 10:30 a.m. from the Senior Center and head north.Lunch will be in Arkansas City, and then the mystery begins! The cost is $10.00 which includes lunch. Contact the Senior Center for reservations at 580-763-8051.Contact: Marie Trenary,...

Concrete pour for the new Ponca City Public Safety Center set for Friday

A concrete pour for the construction of the new Ponca City Public Safety Center is scheduled for Friday, April 2.This pour may start as early as 2:00 a.m. Trucks will be traveling north, from South Avenue on Fourth Street. There will be bright lights and noise outside of normal work hours. For additional information,...

Cultural Engagement Center receives Tonkawa language, cultural books

  The Northern Oklahoma College Cultural Engagement Center is the recipient of 10 Tonkawa Tribal Language Books and 10 historical books on the Tonkawa Tribe.   The books were prepared for the Tonkawa Indian Tribe of Oklahoma as part of the Tonkawa Tribe Language Restoration and Presentation Program Series 2015.  

Lease approved for Grand Lake Mental Health Center in Blackwell

Blackwell Journal-Tribune reports that the Blackwell City Council approved a lease with Grand Lake Mental Health Center to set up a mental health site at the former Red Cross Building on 13th and Ferguson.Grand Lake is currently seeking an appropriate property in Blackwell for a full-scale mental health urgent care and clinic.

Pioneer Tech Center hosting Preview Day today and Thursday

The Pioneer Technology Center in Ponca City is having their Preview Day today for area high school students and their parents/guardians.Those that attend will have the opportunity to tour the PTC campus by appointment. If you are not able to tour today, you can make an appointment for Thursday, February 25.PTC says for your...

NOC Sheep Center earns honors at Texas show

  The Northern Oklahoma Sheep Center earned honors at the National Breeding Sheep Show in Taylor, Texas.   The NOC Sheep Production and Management class students fitted and exhibited 12 head of the NOC Sheep Show Flock while attending.   NOC had the Champion Dorset Ram and Reserve Champion Dorset and...

Government Contracting Workshop Offered By Pioneer Technology Center

PONCA CITY, OK - A Government Contracting Workshop is being held at City Central hosted by Dawn Brakey, the Bid Assistance Coordinator at Pioneer Technology Center. This training, scheduled for Wednesday, January 27th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, is for businesses interested in exploring the government marketplace. The lunch and learn...