Chili Dinner Fundraiser for Newkirk PD Assistant Chief Jordan Farmer This Saturday

A chili dinner fundraiser for Newkirk PD Assistant Chief Jordan Farmer is Saturday, February 8, from 5 to 8 PM.The come and go event will be held at the Newkirk Senior center at 525 West South St. in Newkirk (next-door to Apple market).Assistant Chief Farmer, a lifelong Kay County resident and his family are...

Blackwell assistant football coach tests positive for COVID-19

Blackwell Public Schools released an update on their Facebook page late Tuesday that an assistant football coach for Blackwell High School has tested positive for COVID-19.This coach traveled out of state to a funeral recently where he was exposed to the COVID-19 virus. On Friday afternoon of last week, the coach was informed by...

Lincoln Students Slime Assistant Principal

If you ever watched much Nickelodeon growing up, you might be familiar with "slime" being poured on  people. Students at Lincoln Elementary School had a great time getting to “slime” their Assistant Principal Dawn Mills. All students who successfully completed their reading challenge for the third nine weeks got to participate in the fun...