Public hearing set on proposed rules to govern Medical Marijuana control program
Ponca City Now - March 1, 2019 3:19 pm
The Oklahoma State Department of Health has scheduled a public hearing at 10 a.m. Monday, March 18, on proposed rules to govern the Medical Marijuana Control Program.
Anyone desiring to comment on any proposed rule must register at the hearing between 9:45 a.m. and
10 a.m.; must list the specific proposed rule, chapter and section they desire to address; and the
organization they represent, if any.
Listing the name of an organization indicates that the speaker has the authority to represent the organization as its spokesperson.
Time allocation for each speaker will be determined at the time of the hearing based upon the number of registered speakers and will be strictly adhered to. Every attempt will be made to accommodate each individual desiring to speak within the time restraints established by the moderator. Organizations may be limited to one speaker
per chapter.