Po-Hi Issues Instructions on Concurrent Enrollment for Juniors & Seniors
Mike Seals - July 13, 2020 10:39 pm
Ponca City High School
ATTENTION Po-Hi Juniors and Seniors who plan to enroll or are interested in concurrent enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year. As the counselors are working on student schedules for the upcoming school year, they are requesting information about concurrent enrollment of students.
All Po-Hi students interested or enrolled in concurrent courses need to go to the Ponca City High School webpage and click on the Counselor’s page. There will be a link to a Google survey, which will ask students to provide the following information:
- If you are interested in taking concurrent enrollment next year but have not enrolled yet, there will be a place for you to indicate that.
- If you will be taking concurrent classes and have already enrolled for the Fall 2020 semester, there will be a place for you to enter the class/classes you are taking and the days and times of those classes.
- If you are interested in taking concurrent classes but need to talk to your counselor and get more information, there will be a place for you leave a contact number.