Trimmer Files To Run For Kansas House Seat


Kris Trimmer, a former Winfield High School teacher, filed for the Kansas House 79th district as a Democrat on Friday, according to a press release from Trimmer Monday.

The seat is currently held by Republican Cheryl Helmer and the district includes Winfield, Udall, Oxford and Belle Plaine. It does not include Ark City.

“I always encouraged my American Government students to pay attention to their elected officials, ask questions, do their own research and participate in the process,” Trimmer stated. “Now, it is my turn to step up and do what I can.”


Trimmer’s work history includes one year at First National Bank in Winfield, four years at Douglass High School, two years at Winfield Presbyterian Church as a Christian educator, 22 years as Co-Administrator of the child and adult food program and 24 years at Winfield High School.

While at WHS, Trimmer taught American Government, Advanced Placement American Government, State and Local Government, Leadership, Psychology, and College Speech.

As a teacher, Trimmer received several awards, including WNEA Master Teacher in 2005 and Kansas Student Council Sponsor of the Year in 2017. She was also inducted into the Southwestern College Education Hall of Fame in 2018 and the Kansas Teachers’ Hall of Fame in 2021.

Trimmer has lived in the Winfield community for the past 47 years. She is a member of the First Presbyterian Church and is a past active elder. She served on several school site-councils and was an active swim club parent for years. She is also a member of P.E.O. and she serves on the Winfield Public Library Board as vice-president.

Trimmer said former Winfield representatives, Dorothy Flottman and Judy Showalter, are her guides to the kind of representative she would like to be.

“One a Republican and the other a Democrat, they both took care to listen to their constituents and then to vote, not with a particular ideology in mind, but with what would best represent the people in their district,” Trimmer’s press release said. “They cared about the legislation and it’s impact on the district and the state, not on which party supported it.

“They were also both known for working in a bipartisan manner, and were well respected by both sides of the aisle. These two legislators were inspirational because they lived the values of common sense and caring about others.”

Trimmer says she knows how important it is for legislators to communicate with their constituents, and that if elected, she plans to reach out to the people in her district with email updates, newsletters, surveys, and attendance at various community meetings and forums.

“She will communicate with ALL of her constituents, regardless of party, ideology or whether of not they voted for her,” her press release said.

Trimmer’s husband, Ed, was a representative in Topeka from 2005 through 2019. They have two daughters along with their husbands and four grandchildren.