City of Tonkawa’s brief update on the progress on the main water line break repairs


City of Tonkawa’s brief update on the progress on the main water line break repairs:

Sometime during the last week of June, a large break developed in the 12” water main that brings the city’s water from the well field and out-of-town basin into town. The break occurred in the middle of the stream of the Chikaskia River. All the city’s water is transported into town via this pipeline.

The location of the break was determined and confirmed on Thursday, June 30th. The line is in the middle of the river covered with moving sand in chest deep water. City workers, aided by two divers, worked all day and into the evening Friday to install a patch on the line to reduce the amount of water leaking from the line. The installation was not successful.

City workers are continuously monitoring water levels in the in-town basin, tower, and standpipes to maintain pressure in the city’s water system. Procedures are in place to move water into town from the out-of-town basin without causing additional damage to the line. A catastrophic rupture of the line would leave the city with no water at all.

The plan is to install a temporary line spanning the Chikaskia River bridge to bring water into the city while a permanent line is designed, engineered, and installed. It is estimated that the temporary line can be installed, tested, flushed, and sanitized by Friday, July 8th. Twelve-hundred feet of 12” pipe, valves, and other necessary fittings were purchased and delivered to Tonkawa over the weekend to construct the temporary line. A pipeline construction team started work on the temporary line on Tuesday, July 5th. The bridge on Old 60 over the Chikaskia River will be closed during the construction of the temporary line.

During this emergency, Tonkawa has received greatly appreciated help from our friends, local businesses, and neighbors. Our city employees are working long hours in exceptionally hot weather to insure the flow of potable water into our homes and businesses.

The temporary line will deliver sufficient water to Tonkawa until the permanent line is installed. As soon as the temporary line is operational, the water emergency will be rescinded.