Surprise Inspection Finds Health Violations at Cleveland Co. Jail



A new report from the Oklahoma State Department of Health reveals the Cleveland County Jail is struggling to meet acceptable standards.

A surprise inspection on Feb. 4 revealed several violations, including failure to report the serious injury of an inmate earlier this year.

Additionally, another inmate, Jacob Shane Dieball, was found unresponsive in his cell on Jan. 10. Dieball was pronounced dead later that day.

RELATED: Detainee At Cleveland County Detention Center Dies Despite Life-Saving Efforts

During the inspection, inspectors noted dirty cells and showers, and said inmates are rarely given personal hygiene items.

Inspectors also said inmates are forced to go two to three weeks without a change of clothing.

In one block of the facility, five inmates reported sleeping on the floor because they did not have beds.

The report also accuses the jail administration of not maintaining the automated fire alarm and heat and smoke detection systems.

In addition, the facility has furnishings, walls, ceilings, and floors that do not meet the Oklahoma State Fire Code.