Students Return from Cooperative Youth Leadership Camp


High School students Natalie Newland and Zoe Sterling represented Kay Electric Cooperative at Cooperative Leadership Camp in Steamboat Springs, Colorado from July 12 – 18. Joining their peers from Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming, approximately 100 youth learned about the cooperative principles at the week-long camp.
When arriving at Glen Eden Resort, nestled in the Rocky Mountains, the campers immediately began daily membership meetings where a general manager, board of directors and committees were selected. At camp students experienced the thrill of iFly Denver, toured Craig Power Plant, visited downtown Steamboat, explored Mt. Werner, and had a rafting trip on the Colorado River. Several demonstrations and presentations enhanced the students’ knowledge of the cooperative model and on operations at their electric cooperative.

Newland and Sterling were selected from a group of high school applicants by Kay Electric. To win this trip, students were asked to complete a leadership application with the top eight students advancing to the final routine which included interview at Kay Electric’s Annual Youth contest.

For more information on KEC’s essay contests, please visit, or call KEC’s Youth Coordinator, Desiree Masterson-Whitehead at 800-535-1079 for more information.