Resurfacing Greenlit For May 31 On North Summit From Kansas Avenue To Radio Lane


Resurfacing work on North Summit Street between Kansas Avenue and Radio Lane will begin May 31.

According to a news release from the City of Ark City Monday morning, the project will consist of milling down the old surface and overlaying a new asphalt surface on this section of Summit Street, base repairs, sidewalk repairs, curb and gutter repairs, intersection repairs and new pavement markings.

During this period of construction, through traffic on Summit will be restricted to one lane at times, and sidewalks and avenues intersecting Summit may also be closed periodically. Access to local businesses will continue to be maintained throughout the construction period.

The work is funded by a CDBG Community Facility Grant, a Kansas Department of Transportation Cost Share Grant, and local funds.

The contractor will be Pearson Construction LLC.

The City will post periodic traffic control and detour updates on its website,, and its Facebook page.