Youth Strength and Conditioning Camp Scheduled

Po-Hi head strength and conditioning coach Antonio Fowlkes has scheduled a TAC Youth Strength and Conditioning Camp at the Po-Hi Weight Room.
This camp will cover proper warm-ups, basic strength training, jumping mechanics, speed and agility, pre-hab for common muscle and joint issues and more. The kids will learn how to prepare for high school athletics from a professional with years of experience.
Classes will be held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday June 7-24 and July 5-29 from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. OSSAA dead week is June 25-July 4.
The cost is $150 and is for sixth through eighth grade students. Masks will be required during the camp. Participants are asked to bring a water bottle.
To enroll your athlete contact Coach Fowlkes at 580-799-5690 or email [email protected].