United Way Donates 800 Face Coverings for PCPS Students


Pictured Left to Right: Krista Urioste and Melissa Young with United Way and Shelley Arrott and Curtis Layton with PCPS.  


United Way of Ponca City provided previous campaign tee-shirts, and the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) volunteers cut 800 bandanas for PCPS students to use as a temporary face covering as needed.  


“Our district wanted to make sure everyone has access to face covering instantly, explained PCPS Superintendent Shelley Arrott. “Many volunteers have helped us make “once and done” face coverings for our students who may need access to a temporary face covering at school or on the bus. The face coverings are double folded bandana style coverings made from clean tee-shirts, fabric, or sheets. 

These temporary face coverings can be used in a pinch if a student is without a face covering for one reason or another. We want all of our kids to have instant access to a face covering for everyone’s protection until we can access a mask or gaiter. This kindness and generosity is just another example of our caring community! Thank you United Way and RSVP Volunteers!”  #PoncaCityStrong