Six tribal casinos in Oklahoma hit by ransomware attack


Six tribal casinos in Oklahoma have had to close in recent days following a ransomware attack.

According to KFOR-TV, the Arapaho and Cheyenne Tribes of Oklahoma own and operate the six casinos through the Lucky Star Casino brand. The properties are in Canton, Watonga, Concho, Clinton, and Hammon.

Cyber crime expert Teresa Rule told the news station that the money is at the casinos and that’s why they are a prime target.

Lucky Star Casino officials released the following statement on their Facebook page:

Casino officials didn’t say what the hackers are demanding.

Experts say that since almost all the casino games are computerized, hackers can use ransomware and holds the casino main frame hostage.

Lucky Star is the only branch reporting these cyber attacks. Therefor, no casinos in northern Oklahoma were affected by the attack.