Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Records Its Highest Food Safety Audit Rating


(OKLAHOMA CITY) – May 5, 2021 – The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma has scored a 950 out of 1,000 possible points on the AIB International Consolidated Standards for Food Distribution Centers’ audit. The score is 35 points higher than the organization’s previous record-breaking audit in 2019.

“We are so proud of the dedication our employees have to maintaining a clean and safe environment,” said Stacy Dykstra, chief executive officer of the Regional Food Bank. “We strive to ensure our agencies and clients receive high quality food, which has been especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Not only is the recent audit score the highest in the history of the nonprofit, but it is also the fourth straight inspection that the Regional Food Bank has scored either 910 or above.

The AIB audit is based on five categories:

  • Operational Methods and Personnel Practices – The receipt, storage, monitoring, handling and processing of raw materials to manufacture and distribute safe final product.
  • Maintenance for Food Safety – The design, upkeep and management of equipment, buildings and grounds to provide a sanitary, efficient and reliable manufacturing environment.
  • Cleaning Practices – The cleaning and sanitization of equipment, utensils and buildings to provide a wholesome and safe processing environment.
  • Integrated Pest Management – The assessment, monitoring and management of pest activity to identify, prevent and eliminate conditions that could promote or sustain a pest population.
  • Adequacy of Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs – The coordination of management support, cross-functional teams, documentation, education, training and monitoring systems to ensure all departments of the facility work together effectively to deliver a wholesome and safe final product.

“Operating under AIB standards shows our commitment to the highest professional standards in facility maintenance and food safety,” Dykstra said.

AIB International was founded more than a century ago and works with manufacturers and distributors to improve their food safety and quality management. Learn more about the fight to end hunger in Oklahoma by visiting

About the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma
The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma is leading the fight against hunger in 53 counties in central and western Oklahoma and envisions a state where no one goes hungry. Founded in 1980, the Regional Food Bank is the state’s largest domestic hunger-relief 501(c)(3) nonprofit that distributes food through a network of community- based partner agencies and schools. The majority of people served by the Regional Food Bank are chronically hungry children, seniors living on fixed incomes and hardworking families struggling to make ends meet. The Regional Food Bank is a member of Feeding America, the nation’s network of food banks. To join the fight to end hunger, visit

Contact:           Cathy Nestlen                                                   Austin Prickett

Director of Communications and Marketing         Marketing Manager

Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma                      Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma

O: 405-604-7115 C: 405-850-5425                      O: 405-604-7113 C: 405-426-0984

[email protected]                                                 [email protected]