Ponca City Teacher selected as 2022 Oklahoma BPA Mid-level Advisor of the year


Mrs. Vina Gowdy was selected as the 2022 Oklahoma BPA Mid-level Advisor of the year! She was presented the award on Monday, March 7th during the BPA State Leadership Conference.

Mrs. Gowdy was nominated by Athena Frank, Business and Information Technology Instructor at Central Tech Center in Drumright. A statement from East Middle School BPA Student President, Allison Palmer, also factored into the committee’s decision to award her…

“Mrs. Gowdy cares so much about her students. She trusts us to be able to do whatever she asks of us. She respects her students at all times (even when they don’t deserve it). She treats us like we are capable adults, and lets us figure things out for ourselves, but is always there to help us and to give us guidance. She is always open to new ideas, and does her very best to include your opinion. Mrs. Gowdy is hands down my favorite teacher because of all of these reasons. She makes me feel like I matter, and I believe that that is true for other students as well. Mrs. Gowdy, in my opinion, 100% deserves to be recognized for her awesomeness.”