Ponca City Chamber of Commerce Delivers Donated School Supplies to PCPS District


The Ponca City Area Chamber of Commerce hosted an annual school supply drive. Typically, the Chamber sponsors the “Stuff the Bus” School Supply Campaign. However, with conditions surrounding the global pandemic, the decision was made to not park the bus at Wal-Mart this year. Instead, the PC Chamber requested the five most needed items for both elementary and secondary students. Through an email blast and by word of mouth, the Chamber delivered seven pallets of needed supplies!  


“The Stuff the Bus Campaign always brings in an abundance of needed school supplies,” said Superintendent Shelley Arrott. “Even though the traditional drive did not occur, our Chamber, once again, came to our rescue! I am so appreciative and proud of our community partners. Without doubt, this community has had the best interest of our students and staff at heart. Our little city wraps their arms around PCPS, and I am continually humbled by the generosity and care we receive from our patrons. A true testament to any exceptional community is how supportive we are of each other in times of need. It is evident we support each other in Ponca City, and I am proud to live and work in this great community I call home. Thank you, PC Area Chamber!”  #wildcatway  #TeamPoncaCity  #PoncaCityStrong