Po-Hi offering the ASVAB test


Po-Hi will be offering the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test to all interested Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors on January 19, 2022. Students who wish to take the ASVAB must register by January 14. This test is free.

The ASVAB is a general aptitude test, taken primarily by students who are interested in joining a branch of our military after graduation. However, many students take the ASVAB to gain more information about which career they may be suited for outside of the military. Taking the ASVAB does not commit the student to any agreement with the military.

Students must register for the test! Scan the QR code with your cell phone’s camera or click on this link to access the registration form. Email Ms. Easley at [email protected] for more information.

Link to ASVAB registration:
