Caption: Pioneer Technology Center (PTC) held a virtual Groundbreaking Ceremony this week on social media. The Westward Expansion project begins this month and completion is estimated for August of 2021. Pictured left to right Traci Thorpe, Superintendent/CEO of PTC; Paul Kyler, Co-Owner of Kyler Construction; Larry Hand, Construction Manager; Richard Winterrowd of Winterrowd Talley Architects, Inc; Larry Buck, Pioneer Tech Board of Education President and Gary Norris, PTC Board of Education Member. For more information about Pioneer Tech’s expansion plans visit their website or contact [email protected].
Ponca City, OK ——– Pioneer Technology Center (PTC) broke ground this week on their new addition. The Tech Center is adding on nearly 21,000 square feet intending to bring their Culinary Arts program to new standards and joining their Cosmetology program to the current building. Additionally a multifunctional space serving as a Conference Center and a campus Severe Weather Refuge will accommodate larger groups and provide a safe space for campus personnel, visitors and students.
Upon project completion, the serving line in the cafeteria will be new and improved for community members choosing to dine at Pioneer Tech. Culinary students will have a state-of-the-art instructional kitchen and classroom and the 2,600 square foot production kitchen will be enlarged to meet the lunch capacity and district catering needs. The production kitchen will handle most of the food preparation at PTC on a regular basis. Students and the instructor in the Culinary Arts classroom will have video capability to provide students a closer perspective of the dishes being prepared. All of these updates work together to provide success to student in the services career pathway.
“This expansion will provide excellent opportunities for those in our district, and we are excited to be able to bring this to our community,” remarked Traci Thorpe, Superintendent/CEO during the virtual ceremony.
The new construction for Cosmetology will provide classroom space, as well as an area designated for nails, facials, spray tans, waxing, and traditional salon services. This also includes a reception area, and clients will have a separate entrance allowing the public to park and easily enter the program on clinic days when students provide services.
Pioneer Tech currently houses a Seminar Center which accommodates approximately 225 people at its capacity. As class enrollment has increased over the years, the number of students graduating from PTC has also grown. The current facility is not large enough to host the entire student body or large audiences during graduation ceremonies. The long term plan has been to increase security by bringing all programs under the roof of the main campus as well as provide a Severe Weather Refuge. The new space meets both of the identified needs in the long term plan.
Parking is the final part of the expansion project and PTC is adding much needed space to the west side of campus near Ash Street. The new parking lot will include designated handicap accessibility and Cosmetology patron parking.
The project is being financed through RCB Bank, and PTC chose local firm Winterrowd Talley Architects, Inc. for design of the expansion. Kyler Construction has been selected as the Construction Manager; completion is estimated for August of 2021.
“Though the path to success seems to always be under construction, we are confident this expansion will be an asset to our partner communities and help Pioneer Tech better serve our students, clients and stakeholders within the district,” added Thorpe.
For more information about Pioneer Tech’s Westward Expansion visit their website or contact [email protected].
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