Personal care businesses can re-open today in Oklahoma


Today is the day that Personal care businesses CAN reopen, including hair salons, barber shops, nail salons, spas, and dog groomers. This follows a press conference Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt held on Wednesday.

Phase One

Under Phase One, Oklahoma should continue to follow Safer-At Home guidelines, social distancing, and avoid social gatherings in groups or facilities.

Nonessential travel is still minimized.

Employers should create plans to allow employees to return to work in phases. Break rooms should also remain closed.

Those considered to be in the vulnerable population should have special accommodations from their employers.

Beginning today (April 24), personal care businesses can open if they adhere to strict sanitation and social distancing protocols.

Personal care businesses include hair salons, barber shops, spas, and nail salons.

Customers must continue to social distance, and businesses are encouraged to let customers wait in their car until it is time for their appointment, and take temperatures.

Then, starting on May 1, the following businesses can open statewide if they adhere to the sanitation and social distancing protocols.

  • Restaurants’ dining rooms
  • Movie theaters
  • Sporting venues
  • Gyms
  • Places of worship can open for in-person worship, provided that staff and volunteers wear a mask, do not serve food and coffee, and keep nurseries closed

Bars will remain closed.

If the hospital rates remain manageable for 14 days, the state would move to Phase Two.

Phase Two

Elderly and vulnerable Oklahomans will continue to follow Safer-At-Home guidelines.

Nonessential travel can resume.

Employers should still close common areas and gathering places.

Organized sport activities can reopen under strict social distancing and sanitation protocols.

Bars will also be allowed to reopen with diminished standing room occupancy, social distancing and sanitation.

Funerals and weddings can resume with no more than 10 people.

Children’s areas and places of worship can reopen.

If hospital and incident rates once again remain manageable, the state would move to Phase Three.

Stitt says once the state is in Phase Two, guidance on Phase Three will be released and that if numbers increase, the state will reassess and possibly pull back on the relaxation of measures.

Click here for the Governor’s presentation.  Open-Up-and-Recover-Safely-Plan

City Manager of Ponca City, Craig Stephenson, released a statement earlier in the week saying that the city “will follow the State of Oklahoma’s guidance in this plan.”