PCPS shares COVID-19 update for week of April 27


The week of April 26, PCPS had one contact tracing investigation at Lincoln Elementary, which affected 28 individuals. Another COVID Contact Tracing Investigation occurred over the weekend at West Middle School. Parents were notified and isolations and quarantines will begin on Monday, May 3, 2021. The West data will be reported with next week’s totals. We have seen great improvements with positive cases affecting individuals at school. However, If your child is symptomatic, please do not send them to school, and take them for COVID-19 testing. If they have tested for COVID, please do not send them to school until the results are returned. PCPS will provide Distance Learning to your child while symptomatic or awaiting test results. With lower risk levels, we have had very few exposures at school the last month. Please remain diligent to ensure no further exposures occur at school. PCPS will continue to follow CDC Quarantine Guidelines for the remainder of the school year.

The District will continue to maintain the PCPS Contact Tracing Totals Spreadsheet on the homepage of our website at www.pcps.us. These numbers have been very low the last couple of weeks, and if we do NOT have a contact tracing investigation in school, we will not report weekly totals. Please stay up-to-date on trends by reviewing the informational link.

As of April 20, Kay County was at a Yellow risk level. This means that the risk is low, and Kay County 7-day average of new cases is 2.14.

All Oklahomans ages 16 and up are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Learn more by going to vaccinate.oklahoma.gov.