PCPS sees 16 new COVID-19 cases


Last week, Ponca City Public Schools had 11 more in-school positive COVID-19 cases in effect then the previous week as 16 new cases were reported.

PCPS also saw 42 close contacts and 58 in total affected. There was one in-school contact tracing investigation at Union Elementary, which resulted in several close contacts converting to positives in one classroom. The class transitioned to Distance Learning and will return on Monday, October 25.

The Kay County Risk Level went down last week, but with the extreme case at Union, PCPS positive cases went up last week. The Delta variant is highly communicable, and it is CRITICAL that all household close contacts quarantine. PCPS will provide Distance Learning and free lunches. Exposures lead to classroom spread, particularly at the elementary level when students are together in the same classroom all day. PCPS says please help them protect students and staff by keeping household close contacts at home and in quarantine.

PCPS has added the Site Percentages Out Due to Isolation or Quarantine Chart, in addition to the Contact Tracing Totals Spreadsheet on the homepage at www.pcps.us. Charts will be updated each school day at 4 p.m. The Kay County COVID-19 Risk Alert may be accessed each Wednesday from the OSDH website: https://oklahoma.gov/covid19/covid-19-alert-system-html.