PCPS releases Return To Learn Plan for 2021-22 school year


In-person Instruction for the 2021-2022 School Year:

PCPS will follow the regular 2021-2022 School Calendar and students will attend in-person learning each school day unless they are enrolled as a Ponca City Virtual Academy Student.


• Masks are recommended unless consultation or recommendation from the Kay County Health Department determines the need for a mandate OR if a state of emergency is recommended by the Governor of Oklahoma. If a mask mandate is
implemented, the Board of Education must make it an agenda item each month to discuss the rationale for the local health department’s recommendation.

(OK SB 658 – Effective July 1, 2021)
• By Federal Order, masks are required for all public transportation networks. The current Federal Order is in effect through September 13, 2021. Masks are required for the following PCPS modes of transportation with more than one (1) person in the vehicle. School Buses and School Vehicles (SDE Attorney is still seeking answers – SB 658 vs. Federal Order)
• In school vehicles (pending ruling) and if masks become required in the buildings or on school grounds, masks must be properly fitted. Masks must fit snugly against the sides of the face with no gaps and must fully cover the mouth and nose unless eating, drinking, or during high intensity physical exertion.


Mask Accommodations and Exemptions in the Event of a Mask Mandate:
• Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, may remove a face covering for the duration of time as is necessary to communicate or interact directly with the individual(s). In this situation, consideration should be given to using a clear face
• Persons with a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a face covering must wear a face shield.
• Persons with a medical condition for whom wearing a face covering could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove a face covering without assistance must wear a face shield.
• Persons who are obtaining a service involving the nose or face for which temporary removal of the face covering is necessary to perform the service. (Speech Therapy)


Modifying Facilities for Social Distancing:
• Facilities are marked to show the recommended 3-6 feet of distance in seating and standing areas wherever possible throughout the Ponca City Public School District.
• In classrooms, students are seated in pods and distanced to minimize exposure as much as possible. Seating charts are required and updated in every classroom.
• Expanded lunch schedules and spacing allows for distancing during lunch and breakfast if risks levels are high.
• Students are distanced on school buses and in school vehicles as much as possible. Seating charts are required for every bus and vehicle. Masks are required on school buses.


Additional Facility Modification May Include:
Expanding Playground Areas, Creating Outdoor Learning Areas and Lunch Areas, Expansion of Cafeterias, Expansion of Classrooms, Restroom Remodels, Flooring Upgrades, and HVAC Upgrades


Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette:
• Students are trained and are reminded regularly about the healthy benefits of proper and frequent handwashing with soap and water. Training includes length of at least 20 seconds and frequency of handwashing. Frequent handwashing opportunities are scheduled into the regular school day at key times such as after bathroom breaks, before lunch, or after playing outside. Other opportunities are taken into consideration when students or staff need to wash their hands.
• Respiratory etiquette is continually reinforced, including coughing or sneezing into elbow or covering mouth completely.
Signage is posted throughout all facilities with handwashing and respiratory etiquette reminders.
• Safe and highly effective, It’s NANOED, alcohol free hand sanitizer is available at all entrance points, common areas, and offices. The hand sanitizer is comparable to liquid bandage and lasts for up to 8 hours, even with frequent handwashing.
• Hand sanitizing stations are available in every classroom with at least 60% alcoholbased hand sanitizer.


Cleaning and Maintaining Healthy Facilities including Improving Ventilation:
• Ponca City Schools will continue with increased cleaning and preparation of facilities to protect our students, staff, and visitors. Upon notification of a positive COVID case in a building, all areas affected are cleaned thoroughly. Desks are cleaned between each class and at least twice daily in self-contained classrooms.
• MeTEOR Education CASPR Compact Plus units will be available in every classroom. The CASPR Units are NASA developed technology that provide continuous air and surface pathogen reduction for students and staff. The units will not only reduce COVID-19 pathogens, but will effectively reduce other pathogens such as flu, strep, staph, and other bacteria such as mold to reduce and prevent health issues.
• It’s NANOED, Barrier Surface Protection, will be utilized through industrial misting and fogging equipment to sanitize gyms, weight rooms, cafeterias, and buses. The Barrier Surface Protection will stay active 30 days or more on surfaces, even with
continued cleaning protocols applied.
• HVAC and Filter Replacement is ongoing to ensure ventilation is optimal for the health and safety of our students, staff, and patrons.


Contact Tracing Combined with Isolation and Quarantine, Collaborating with State, Local, and Tribal Departments:
• Administrators attend frequent Zoom meetings with the Oklahoma State Department of Health and the Oklahoma State Department of Education and best practices for contact tracing are discussed. The OSDH provides weekly COVID-19 emails to inform school officials of the status of infections, testing, vaccines, and CDC guidance for prevention, safety protocols, isolation, and quarantine in order to keep students and staff as safe as possible to maintain in-person learning for the students of PCPS.
• The Oklahoma COVID-19 Risk Alert is monitored weekly. Risk Levels and updates are reported to the Board of Education, Administrative Council, PCPS Staff, The Ponca City Area Chamber Board, and weekly press releases are provided to inform all stakeholders of in-school cases, close contacts, and trends. Percentages of students and staff affected at each site are maintained on a real-time spreadsheet on the district website through the PCPS Contact Tracing Totals Spreadsheet.
• School nurses and district contract tracers trained through Johns Hopkins University, report to the Kay County Health Department so the health department officials make informed decisions about quarantines and isolations. There is constant two-way conversation with the KCHD when positive cases are reported, and an in-school contract tracing investigation occurs.
• Joint communication has been developed by PCPS and KCHD to provide written information regarding quarantines and isolations to PCPS students, staff, and families affected by a positive case. Communication with White Eagle families involves tribal leaders. The KCHD will utilize the following trigger to determine “close contacts”:

Close contact is defined as exposure to a confirmed positive infected person for less than 6 feet for 15 minutes or longer. If the KCHD determines close contact has occurred, a 10-day quarantine is imminent unless the close contact is fully vaccinated.


Diagnostic and Screening Testing:
• The Kay County Health Department offers free COVID-19 testing to all PCPS school students, staff, and families and White Eagle Health Center provides free COVID-19 testing to tribal students. Appointments may be scheduled with the Kay County Health Department or White Eagle Health Center, and both agencies work directly with the school to assist with
screening of students and staff if symptoms present.
• Ponca City Public Schools, the Kay County Health Department, and White Eagle Health Center have a positive and on-going collaboration to protect the students, staff, and families of PCPS. School officials and health officials communicate continually.


Vaccine Efforts for the School Community:
• Before the Educator Phase of vaccine distribution opened in the state of Oklahoma, community partners worked with PCPS to ensure all staff members interested in the vaccine were able to have the initial and booster dose administered. Kay County Health Department, Phillips 66, and White Eagle Health Center scheduled clinics and individual appointments to serve the staff of PCPS. Both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were administered, and PCPS tracks vaccination progress of all employees. Records are updated as employees become fully vaccinated.
• As new employees join TEAM PCPS or if additional booster doses are required for fully vaccinated individuals, community partners are committed to supporting PCPS staff members interested in COVID-19 vaccination.
• KCHD and WEHC will schedule appointments for students 12-18 as phases for children become available. KCHD has scheduled 2 clinics during our 2021-2022 School Registration Window to provide Oklahoma State Department of Health required vaccines for school children and will offer COVID-19 vaccines to students who are eligible and have parental
consent. A parent or guardian of must be present for a student to receive the COVID-19 Vaccine.


Coordination with State and Local Health Officials:
• Ponca City Public Schools has worked in collaboration with the State and County Health Departments to develop contact tracing protocols, guidelines for close contact quarantines, isolation, close contact tracing, and joint parent communication for close contact quarantine or case isolation has been collaboratively developed.
• PCPS partners with the Kay County Health Department, Oklahoma State Department of Health, and OSDH State Epidemiologists to make determinations of possible intermittent closure due to lab-confirmed positive COVID-19 cases. Plans will only be implemented if mandated by the State or PCPS cannot keep school open due to increased spread or lack of staff.


Learning Plans if an Intermittent Closure Occurs:
• Students will automatically transition to Distance Learning supported by the regular classroom teacher if intermittent closure occurs.
• Each family who does not have access to reliable internet service or a device will be provided a hot spot and a device (computer) to use during intermittent closures.
• Students will access assignments through Google Classroom at home, and in some cases, teachers may present live lessons through document cameras or Zoom. All district software for reading and math will be available to all students.
• The calendar will not be altered for intermittent closure as these days will be counted as instructional days and completion of assignments will be monitored for attendance purposes.
• Students will be able to practice utilizing Google Classroom with the support of the teacher so students are prepared for Distance Learning. These practice days could consist of various lessons completed through Google Classroom through recorded instruction and on-line submission of assignments or through in-school practice days.


Appropriate Accommodations for Students with Disabilities for Intermittent Closure:
• If school is moved to Distance Learning due to COVID-19, students with disabilities are offered the option to learn in-person as determined by the IEP Team and specified in their IEP contingency plans, in classrooms that have been deep-cleaned and sanitized.
• COVID Relief funds have been used to online curriculum, task boxes of hands-on manipulatives and learning tools, devices, and other assistive technology for students with disabilities to use when they are required to engage in remote learning due to quarantine, deep cleaning, or inclement weather.
• Additional PPE has been purchased to accommodate specialized needs of students with disabilities or staff working with students who have disabilities such as protective screens, face shields, surgical gowns, and masks with clear panels.


Daily Occurrences:
Unless a State of Emergency is Ordered by the Governor, the KCHD advises or the BOE approves an intermittent closure, or the COVID-19 Risk Levels increase, the following daily occurrences will resume with as much DISTANCING as possible in all situations:
• Regular Lunch Schedules
• Parents, Guests, and Visitors Will be Allowed in Buildings
• Face-to-Face Parent/Teacher Conferences Will Resume – Arrangements Will be Made for Zoom or Phone Conferences When Necessary
• Field Trips and Travel
• Community Use of Facilities According to BOE Policy will Resume
• All Regular Activities
• Assemblies, Class Meetings, Live Staff Meetings and Administrative Council Meetings


Ponca City Public Schools Safety Protocols: 2021-2022
Mask requirements will only be implemented if the county is declared a state of emergency by the Governor or recommended by the Kay County Health Department pursuant to SB 658. However, by Federal Order, masks are required on all public transportation networks through September 13, 2021. (Public transportation masking could change on
advice of OSDE attorneys.)

If student or staff percentages of isolations or quarantines are high there could be an intermittent closure at any level by BOE approval only.

Green COVID-19 Alert Risk Level: <1.43
Masks are welcomed, but not required, except on school buses or school vehicles (pending attorney info). The typical
school day and school related activities will be followed with no procedural changes necessary.

Yellow COVID-19 Alert Risk Level: 1.43-14.38
Masks are welcomed, but not required, except on school buses or school vehicles (pending attorney info). The typical
school day and school related activities will be followed with no procedural changes necessary.

Orange 1 COVID-19 Alert Risk Level: 14.39-24.99
• If declared a state of emergency by the Governor or recommended by the Kay County Health Department, masks will be required in mask zones including hallways, common areas, and large group settings. Staggered lunch schedules and passing times MAY be implemented. Masks will be recommended in the classroom but will be required on buses and school vehicles (pending attorney info).
• Visitors, Use of Facilities, and Capacity Limits at Public Events MAY be restricted.

Orange 2 COVID-19 Alert Risk Level: 25-49.99
• If declared a state of emergency by the Governor or recommended by the Kay County Health Department, masks will be required in all settings. Staggered lunch schedules and passing times MAY be implemented.
• Visitors, Use of Facilities, Public Events, Travel, Capacity Limits at Public Events, Additional Safety Protocols, and Participation in Extra-curricular Activities MAY be restricted by BOE Approval.

Red COVID-19 Alert Risk Level: 50 or >
• If declared a state of emergency by the Governor or recommended by the Kay County Health Department, masks will be required in all settings. Staggered lunch schedules and passing times MAY be implemented.
• Visitors, Use of Facilities, Public Events, Travel, Capacity Limits at Public Events, Additional Safety Protocols, Participation in Extra-curricular Activities, MAY be restricted by BOE Approval. Distance Learning MAY be implemented by BOE Approval.


Child Nutrition Offering if Intermittent Closure Occurs:
• PCPS will continue to serve Grab-and-Go Lunches and the following day’s breakfast at multiple sites.
• All children, 18 and under, will be served. Students do not have to be present, but names of students are required.
• Families may drive through or walk-up for services. Friends may pick-up lunches for students if names are provided.
• Meals are free to all students for the 2021-2022 school year for in-person learning or distance learning!


Ways Parents and Patrons May Help Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19:
• Keep children home if they have a fever of 100 degrees or higher and pick students up promptly if the school calls indicating they have a fever of 100 degrees or higher.
• If a student has had direct exposure to a family member with a lab-confirmed positive COVID-19 case, quarantine them for 10 days; this quarantine will be a directive of the health department.
• Actively participate in contact tracing investigations if the health department notifies individuals of the need to participate.


Learning Options for Students:
On-line learning will be offered on a limited basis through Ponca City Virtual Academy.
• Students will remain PCPS students.
• Students in grades 6-12 may participate in extra-curricular activities.
• Edgenuity-6th-12th and Accelerate-K-5th, curriculum management systems, will be used for online instruction. Curriculum will be aligned with OAS Standards.
• PCVA students will be supervised by PCPS certified teacher, with regular contact with student and parent/guardian.
• Technology and internet access will be provided as needed.
• Online/in-person registration begins in July of 2021.

Contact Dr. DaLana Hawkins, Director of Secondary Curriculum, for information about Online Only Instruction for students entering grades 6-12. 580-767-8000. Contact Teri Vogele, Director of Elementary Curriculum, for information about Online
Only Instruction for students entering grades Kindergarten-5. 580-767-8000

A representative will be available during PCPS Registration to discuss Online Learning. This option will require an interview process through PCPS.


Response to Student Academic Needs:
Ponca City Schools will ensure interventions are implemented to respond to the academic needs of students, including students from low-income families, students of color, EL, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, children in foster care and migratory children by utilizing the following interventions:
• Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Evidence Based Instruction
• Weekly/Monthly Tracking of Student Growth Through Progress Monitoring and Common Formative Assessments
• Interventionists Hired to Support Elementary Students with Academic Gaps
• Reading Plus will be a Required Course for Middle School Students with Additional Staff Hired. Reading Plus is already a required course for 9th-12th graders, in English classes.
• Credit Recovery will be provided to 9th-12th Grade Students
• Provide After School Tutoring Session
• Provide Summer School for Elementary and Middle School Students by STAR, OSTP, or RSA
• Provide Credit Recovery Summer School for Juniors and Seniors


Additional Response to Student Academic or Needs:

English Language Learners:
• Evidence-based Instruction and Support Based on the Student’s LIEP Students Experiencing Homelessness or are in Foster Care:
• Provide School Supplies, Fees, and Tutoring to Address Academic Needs Students with Disabilities:
• Evidence-based Instruction and Support Based on the Student’s IEP

PCPS will enroll homeless, foster, or migratory students with or without records.


Response to Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Needs for Students:

Ponca City Schools will ensure interventions are implemented to respond to the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students, including students from low-income families, students of color, EL, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, children in foster care and migratory children by utilizing the following interventions:
• Face-to-Face Interactions
• Focus on Positive Relationships and Culture – Wildcat Way
• Engage Families in Learning and Parental Involvement Opportunities
• Encourage Student Participation in Clubs, Fine Arts, and Sports
• Implement SEL Curriculum at Elementary and Secondary Levels
• Provide Additional Counseling Opportunity
• Hiring of 4 Additional School Counselors and 1.4 Additional Therapists
• SOS Mentorships
• Celebrate Student Success: Wildcat of the Week, SOAR, Meeting Academic Goals
• Community Partnerships, Including PCPD and Counseling Agencies


Additional Response to Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Needs for Students:

English Language Learners:
• Hold Parent Meetings to Discuss Test Scores, Educational Opportunities for Students, and Explain/Review LIEP Students Experiencing Homelessness:
• Provide Transportation, Clothing, Needed Supplies/Instruments/Fees in Order for Students to Participate in Extra-curricular Activities


Response to Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Needs for Staff:
• Focus on Returning to Positive Relationships and Culture
• Focus on Self-care
• Return to In-person Meetings and Team Building Events – (Socials, Group Trainings)
• Hope Rising Book Study with All Administrators
• Strengths Based Leadership Training with Secondary Principals
• Provide District Mindfulness Training, Cultivating Mindfulness, presented by Teena Boogren from Solution Tree – November 12, 2021

Please feel free to call 580-767-8000 with any questions or comments.