During the week of May 2, PCPS had three Contact Tracing Investigations.
West Middle School had a Weekend Contact Tracing Investigation on May 1 and another investigation on May 5. WMS saw 35 individuals affected in total. Ponca City High School had a Contact Tracing Investigation on May 3, involving an activity, which also affected students at East Middle School. A total of 38 were affect by the Po-Hi tracing. In total, 73 individuals for PCPS were affected by isolation or quarantine last week.
If your child is symptomatic, please do not send them to school, and take them for COVID-19 testing. If they have tested for COVID-19, please do not send them to school until the results are returned.
PCPS will provide Distance Learning to your child while symptomatic or awaiting test results. With lower risk levels, PCPS has had very few exposures at school. Please remain diligent to ensure no further exposures occur at school so students can cross the finish line with school. There are ten school days remaining for the school year.
The PCPS District will continue to maintain the PCPS Contact Tracing Totals Spreadsheet on the homepage of pcps.us. The numbers have been very low the last several weeks, and if PCPS does NOT have a contact tracing investigation in school, they will not report weekly totals.
In regards to the Oklahoma COVID-19 Alert System, Kay County remains in the Yellow Risk with an average of 2.6 cases a day as of May 4.