Pawnee County woman involved in accident in southwest Oklahoma


A personal injury collision occurred at 8:13 p.m. on Sunday evening on County Road 1490 at County Road 2150, 7.5 miles west of Roosevelt, OK. in Kiowa County in southwest Oklahoma.

Taylor R. Robbins, 23, of Cleveland, OK. in Pawnee County, was traveling westbound on County Road 1490. Driver failed to negotiate a curve, causing the vehicle to depart the roadway to the left overturning 1 and ¼ times before coming to rest on the passenger side.

The passenger, Kyle J. Mcfadden, 20, of Apache, OK., transported by Jackson County EMS to Jackson County Memorial Hospital. He was admitted in good condition with arm injuries. Robbins was transported by Air Evac to United Regional Hospital where she was treated and released with head injuries.