OSU professor and student wins OKC Men’s and Women’s Marathon races


After two years of changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 22nd annual Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon made it’s comeback on Sunday.

One of the winners from the different races Sunday was McKale Montgomery, a nutrition professor at Oklahoma State University and a Fairfax, Oklahoma native. According to KFOR-TV, when Montgomery was 15-years-old and living in Fairfax, she would run four miles each day to basketball practice. With less than four miles left in the race, Montgomery continued strong and was more than a mile in front of her closest competitor.

McKale Montgomery never lost the top spot, and crossed the finish line at 10:09 a.m. with a total preliminary time of 2:41:06. Her average pace for the whole race was listed at 6:09 a mile. With Montgomery’s finish, she set a new course record for the women’s race.

There was a bit of a connection between Montgomery and the winner of the Men’s Marathon race. Bryant Keirns, who won with a time of of 2:24:51, is believed to be Montgomery’s student and training partner.