Oklahoma State Treasurer Randy McDaniel visiting Ponca City Friday


The Ponca City News is reporting that the Ponca City Chamber of Commerce will be holding a lunch and learn event on Friday, Oct. 22 from 11:30 am to 1 pm at Pioneer Technology Center.

According to PC News, the event will feature Oklahoma State Treasurer Randy McDaniel, where he will discuss the responsibilities of the State Treasurer’s office and the positive performance of the Oklahoma economy.

The lunch and learn came about when Deputy Treasurer Tim Allen, himself a Po-Hi graduate, reached out to Ponca City Chamber of Commerce President Rich Cantillon to arrange the event.

McDaniel is the 19th State Treasurer of Oklahoma and was elected in 2018. He manages billions of taxpayer dollars deposited each year, safeguards the state’s financial health, operates the state’s unclaimed property program and promotes responsible fiscal policies.

“Your tax dollars are safe and protected,” said McDaniel. “In addition, the state economy is doing well as we strive to make Oklahoma an even better place to live, work and raise a family.”

McDaniel chairs the Oklahoma College Savings Plan Board of Trustees, the Board of Investors for Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust, the State Pension Commission, and is a member of the State Board of Equalization, which certifies funds available for the state budget.

Additionally, he was also a distinguished military graduate and served 11 years in the Oklahoma Army National Guard, attaining the rank of Captain.

McDaniel lives in Oklahoma City with his wife Julie and their two children Grace and John.

The Chamber asks that those wishing to attend RSVP by phoning their office at 765-4400. The cost for the event is $10 and includes lunch.