NOC Board of Regents hears COVID-19 report


The Northern Oklahoma College Board of Regents met Monday in Enid discussing Covid-19 on the NOC campuses.

  Vice President for Student Affairs Jason Johnson reported to the regents the Covid-19 case report for NOC’s campuses is posted online each Friday.

  Johnson shared a copy of the most recent report on Sept. 18 that showed 0.6% or 18 individuals from the total NOC population currently is in isolation due to a positive test and that 0.8% or 24 individuals are in quarantine due to primary contact.

  NOC President Dr. Cheryl Evans said she was proud of the students, faculty, and staff for their response to Covid-19.

  “I appreciate the teamwork of our entire NOC community,” she said.  “Everyone has worked together so effectively with the NOC Emergency Response Team that helped establish our protocols that require masks on campus along with social distancing.  Overall, our students are behaving very responsibly and I’m proud of them.”

  “I appreciate all the work you are doing,” said Board of Regents Chairman Jodi Cline.  “I know you need a life raft with all the things you are dealing with on a daily basis.  These are difficult times and you are doing an outstanding job.”

  The regents also heard a report on the Chautauqua Teacher Institute from Dr. DeLisa Ging, language arts instructor.  The institute has been held the past 11 years in Enid.

  Over 250 teachers and students have participated in the event since its inception in 2009.  The event is held in June in Enid.

  The board also approved NOC’s monthly financial report, monthly purchases, and the monthly allocation report.  A discussion was also held concerning decreased enrollment numbers and the negative impact on the institution’s budget.

  Vice President for Enid Raydon Leaton reported that events on campus continue to be closed except for the upcoming OBI Blood Drive set for Oct. 6 and the Garfield County Election Board Election Nov. 3.

  Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Pam Stinson shared the Strategic Plan Quarterly Update as well as the 2020-21 Institutional Assessment Plan.

  Vice President for Community Relations and Development Sheri Snyder reported that the Renfro Lectureship set for Oct. 8 has been tentatively rescheduled for April 22 in Tonkawa.  Singer/songwriter Jimmy Webb is the guest for the event.

  Northern Oklahoma College, the state’s first public community college, is a multi-campus, land-grant institution that provides high quality, accessible, and affordable educational opportunities and services which create life-changing experiences and develop students as effective learners and leaders within their communities in a connected, ever changing world.

  NOC, a public two-year community college, serves 5,700 students on the home campus in Tonkawa, branch in Enid, NOC/OSU Gateway Program in Stillwater, online, and the University Center in Ponca City. Of these students about 60% receive financial aid and/or scholarships.

  NOC is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and offers associate degrees in three general areas: Arts, Science and Applied Science.  The associate degree fulfills lower-division course work which is applicable towards a bachelor’s degree.

  Call (580) 628-6200 for more information about Northern Oklahoma College or visit .