Newkirk Mayor Releases Statement


From Newkirk City Mayor Brian Hobbs,


After many phone calls last night and meetings over the last few weeks with the health department,  the chairman of public health in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, as well as other legislators. Hobbs said he would rather err on the side of cation in regards to (corona virus) aka (COVID-19).

Hobbs will be directing the Newkirk city manager to suspend all non mission essential employees and situations that encourage possible exposure. The city office doors will be locked to avoid exposure and cross contamination to their employees and citizens. If you have a bill due please leave them in the drop box in front of city hall and they will be collected daily.

These actions are not meant to alarm Newkirk citizens. After the discussions Hobbs had about possible infection rates, mortality rates, as well as diminished lung capacity. I feel it would be irresponsible to put our citizens at risk unnecessarily. This virus seems to be more dangerous than initially thought. Hobbs is asking the Newkirk community to help in this effort to minimize the risks. Hobbs said he would ask all who are operating in public to use common sense in regards to breathing coughing etc. If you show symptoms please stay home and limit exposure to others.

Hobbs will continue to provide more information as it becomes available. There is an emergency meeting that is being held at the state capitol at 11:00 a.m.