McGraw Drive Drainage Improvements


PONCA CITY – Hembree and Hodgson Construction, LLC has entered a contract with the City of Ponca City to complete drainage improvements and repairs to both the street and drainage channel in the 1500 block of McGraw Drive.

The project is being performed to address a local street drainage problem. Work includes removing an existing undersized trench box drain located in the street, and replacing it with a larger trench box with a more modern and efficient grating design. The project includes the repair of a 25-foot section of existing concrete channel to eliminate obstructions of the pipe, through which the stormwater draining from the street trench box disposes to the channel.

Work began on the project on Monday, January 27, 2020. The estimated construction time for the project is 30 calendar days. During the project, McGraw Drive will be closed to all traffic at the trench box location. Signing and barricades are in place informing motorists of the construction.

Any questions regarding this project may be directed to Hembree and Hodgson Construction at 580-762-0280 or to the City Engineering department at 580-767-0326.


Photo captions: Ongoing work to remove the existing trench box, located in the 1500 block of McGraw Drive.