Kay County Sheriff’s Office Provides Details For Safer At Home Order Now In Effect


A Safer at home order is now in effect until April 30 for Kay and the other 27 counties in Oklahoma with COVID-19 cases.

This is for older Oklahoman’s and those with underlying health issues compromising their immune systems. The policy is intended to guarantee employment protections for older Oklahoman’s and limit their travel to essential locations such as grocery stores and pharmacies.

Operation adjustments for “non-essential” businesses in counties identified as having “community spread” of COVID-19. In counties that feature confirmed cases, any socially-driven business will be required to close its common areas for 21 days.

There is now a 14-day suspension of non-urgent and non-emergent medical services statewide to conserve personal protective equipment such as gloves, masks and n95 respirators.

During the time of the new order, there’s a suspension of all visitation to nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

The Kay County Sheriff’s Office have made several changes in the way they conduct everyday business as well, to include criminal investigations, court procedures, closing the Sheriff’s Lobby to the public, closing the courthouse to the public and making sure they continue doing the best job possible keeping people safe.

The Kay County Sheriff’s Office will not be stopping vehicles to check for essential or non-essential travel, will not issue fines to people or businesses that don’t comply with the new order or 10 or more groupings, and will not be closing county borders.