Kay County Courthouse reopening plan


The following is information from the 8th District Attorney Office, Drug and Major Crime Task Force on Facebook regarding the reopening of the Kay County Courthouse in Newkirk.


On May 18, 2020 the Kay County Courthouse, which was closed to the public by the Order Of the Oklahoma Supreme Court and Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals and by the Order of the Kay County Commissioners, will re-open on a limited basis. While all of the courthouse employees have continued to work during this time, these Offices will be open to the public starting on May 18, 2020 as follows:

1. County Clerk: Will allow citizens into office by appointment only.

2. County Treasurer: Will allow citizens into office by appointment only.

3. County Assessor: Will allow citizens into office by appointment only.

4. Election Board Secretary: Will allow citizens into office by appointment only.

5. OSU Extension Office: Will allow citizens into office by appointment only.

6. County Court Clerk and Judges:

a. All jury trials are postponed until August 2020

b. All filings will be by mail. If a filing must be made in-person, an appointment must be made through the office of the Court Clerk. Filings may only be done electronically upon prior approval of the Judge;

c. Only parties to the cases will be permitted to enter the Courthouse when case is set for hearing;

d. Parties are not allowed to enter any offices in the Courthouse other than the Court Clerk’s office or a courtroom;

e. Dockets will be scheduled to limit the number of parties present for each case. Please read court minutes carefully. Parties will only be allowed in courthouse at the time of the hearing;

f. Scheduling dockets will only be held telephonically;

g. Juvenile Delinquent cases will be held for in-custody defendants and parents only;

h. Specialty Courts will continue to be held virtually;

i. All hearings will be conducted via telephone or virtually whenever possible;

j. All persons over 65 or who are considered vulnerable will be allowed to conduct business with the court via telephone or virtually. The Courts will allow continuances to these parties if possible;

k. All fines will be accepted by mail, online payment or phone-in payment only.

7. District Attorney:

a. Witnesses will be allowed to enter the Victim-Witness center only at the times they are scheduled to testify in a case. Efforts will be made to maintain social distancing during their time in the courthouse. Once witness has completed testimony, they are to immediately leave the courthouse unless ordered by the Court to remain;

b. All meetings with attorneys or advocates will be conducted either by phone or virtually;

c. All compliance paperwork will be accepted by mail or fax only. Payments may be mailed or made electronically; Defendants will be allowed into the supervision office by appointment only unless ordered by the Court to directly report to office after court appearance.

d. Meetings with attorneys will be by appointment only. In order to comply with the orders of the Governor of Oklahoma and the directions provided by Oklahoma Supreme Court and Oklahoma Court Of Appeals, and to protect the public of Kay County, certain rules will be enforced. They are as follows:

1. All persons coming into the Courthouse will only be allowed to enter and exit through the West side basement/handicap access doors. All other doors will not be allowed to be used, except in case of an emergency.

2. Anyone entering the Courthouse will be required to have their temperature taken. Any person with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be denied access to the Courthouse.

3. Persons allowed in the Courthouse will be limited for the time being to the following:

a) Only persons who have court appearances within the hour of their arrival and only the person with the court appearance will be allowed, unless permission has been granted by the Court for the other persons. No other family members will be allowed into the Courthouse as provided below.

b) No children will be allowed into the Courthouse unless ordered by the Court.

c) Attorneys who have cases scheduled on that day’s docket will be allowed to enter.

d) Kay County Citizens who have made an appointment with offices in the Courthouse will be allowed entrance at the time of their appointment. Kay County office phone numbers may be found at the Kay County website.

e) Every person entering the courthouse must present a form of identification.

Any Person coming into the Courthouse for the reasons listed above will only be allowed to go to the location of their court appearance or their appointment and then must directly leave the Courthouse through the West basement exit.

Bathrooms located in the basement will be opened to the public. All other bathrooms are designated for courthouse staff only.