Kaw City Fire Department Receives $11,000 Kaw Gaming Donation


The Kaw City Fire Department was the recipient on Jan. 22 of a check in the amount of $11,064.73 by Kaw Gaming, Inc. at SouthWind Casino.

Fire chief Steven Long said that the new funds will be used to purchase bunker sets for the Kaw City FD.  Long said that bunker, or any personal protective equipment are what people picture when you see a firefighter in their full gear. Long also said that safety guidelines are to replace the bunker sets every 10 years, but due to financial constraints, the KCFD is using units that are between 15 and 20 years old, which surpasses the recommended use.

The donation will help the purchase for full bunker sets, which had been a safety concern and is appreciated by the KCFD. Kaw Gaming, Inc. is proud to be able to show support to local communities when possible. Kaw Gaming, Inc. President Gena Warren said that showing support to local departments such as the Kaw City Fire Department is important.

Kaw Gaming Incorporated (KGI) is a governing body of the casino enterprises of the Kaw Nation. KGI’s primary focus is to generate revenue to uphold services provided to the Kaw Nation citizens. KGI proudly hires tribal and non-tribal employees which in turn provides revenue for local and surrounding communities.