Instructions for Distance Learning Day October 9


PCPS Families:

Friday, October 9, will be the 2 nd 2020-2021 School Year Distance Learning Day for ALL students. Students will not physically come to school but will participate in a virtual learning day, which will count as an instructional day. It is a required day of learning and attendance will be taken. The day will give all students another opportunity to practice Distance Learning in the event a student is isolated, quarantined, or if there is partial or total, temporary school closure due to the spread of COVID-19. The following is the process for the Distance Learning Day on October 9:

1. All secondary students will take their devices home as always on Thursday, October 8. Children at each elementary school will check out a Chromebook to utilize on the Distance Learning Day. Washington PreK students, who do not have a device at home, will have an iPad checked out to them. All elementary Chromebooks and PreK iPads will be returned to school on Monday, October 12.

2. If a family does not have access to Internet, a hot spot will be distributed to the parents of the oldest student in each family for the PCPS students in the family to use for Internet access on the Distance Learning Day. Hot spots will not be sent home with families who already have a district hot spot due to a current quarantine, a sibling attending Ponca City Virtual
Academy, or if a previous loaned hot spot has not been returned. Hot spot distribution is based on the Internet Access Survey parents completed during Registration. Hot spots used for the Distance Learning Day will be returned Monday, October 12. Principals will communicate to parents the process for collecting hot spots.

3. All teachers will record a review lesson and review assignments will be provided through Google Classroom. Students are required to login and complete the assignment to be counted present for the day. All teachers will communicate expectations to parents and students through their regular form of communication such as Remind, Class DOJO, or class
Facebook pages.

4. PCPS teachers will be available for support from 8:00 AM-11:00 AM on Friday, October 9 through Google Classroom, Zoom, email, or any other mode of regular classroom communication.

5. Students may log in and complete the assignments at any time throughout the day on October 9 but must do so by midnight on October 9 to be counted present. However, if students need support, teachers will be available from 8:00 AM-11:00 AM that day.

6. Secondary students will login to their 1 st and 2 nd hour classes and will submit an assignment for each class for a total of 2 assignments. Elementary students will complete an assignment for both reading and math and with a total of two assignments. Both assignments must be submitted by 11:59 on October 9 for students to be counted present.

7. Regular competitive activities will still occur that day. Coaches and sponsors will communicate specific information.

The Board of Education took action to convert all Professional Development Days built into the calendar to Distance Learning Practice Days prior the beginning of the school year. Professional Development Days were teacher training days and students were not scheduled to attend school. During this global pandemic, it is critical students know how to access instruction and submit assignments due to the likelihood of intermittent absences or closures requiring Distance Learning.

Meals will be provided to students on October 9 through a similar process we used duringclosure last spring. The process follows:

Feeding Site Locations
o Sr. High: 7 th Street, north of Overbrook – drivers collecting lunches will
pull into the bus inlet just east of the Anderson Building.
o Union Elementary
o Garfield Elementary
o West Middle School
o White Eagle: The same delivery location will be arranged by PCPS.

 Meal pick-up time will be 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
 Breakfast and lunch meals, with milk offering, will be available.

The Distance Learning Practice Days built into our calendar allow our students and teachers to be effectively prepared in the event they are required to learn or teach virtually. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this global pandemic. Please feel free to call me with any questions @ 580-767-8000.



Shelley Arrott
Superintendent, Ponca City Public Schools