Hartford Avenue water line project extending eastward


Sober Brothers, Inc. has entered a contract with the City of Ponca City to construct a new 10-inch water line along Hartford Avenue, from Fifth Street to Seventh Street, to replace an existing deteriorated water main. The project includes the removal and replacement of existing pavement along the south half of Hartford Avenue. The work for this 60-calendar day project started on Monday, November 29, 2021.

Beginning Monday, December 13, 2021, the work zone for this project will be extended east to include the Seventh Street intersection and the intersection of Seventh Street and Hartford Avenue will be closed to all traffic. Vehicles will not be permitted into the work area. Signing and barricades will be in place informing motorists of the construction. Traffic will be detoured to Fifth Street while the Seventh Street intersection is closed. The total closure time for the intersection is estimated to be 20 calendar days.

Any questions regarding this project may be directed to Sober Brothers, Inc. at 580-765-5503 or to the City Engineering department at 580-767-0383.