Forum Held For Local Students


The Attucks Community Alliance, through a grant from Phillips 66 and in collaboration with Philips 66 Black Employee Network hosted a STEM forum for Ponca City High School students and their parents. STEM is the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and is a dominant goal in education.

A panel of representatives from Northern Oklahoma College, Pioneer Technology Center and Oklahoma State University presented information to share opportunities and help students better prepare for STEM education, careers, entrance requirements and scholarships available.

Dr. Frankie Wood-Black, professor at NOC, shared information about the Progress Technology Degree, Pre-Engineering degrees and other offerings at NOC. Additionally, Dr. Wood-Black spoke to the partnerships with businesses and other universities. Lori Evans talked about the importance of taking the ACT and PTC classes in biomedical, pre-engineering and concurrent enrollment. Additionally, Evans explained the concurrent enrollment at PTC and how classes can be applied to high school credits as well as PTC and other college credits. Evans also explained that PTC students have access to taking the ACT, without cost to them under certain requirements. Students from the Office of Diversity at OSU also served on the panel.

Chasidy Winslett, a business major at OSU, told students about her pathway to OSU and area of interest. Chasidy also shared that the ACT is important and that having a high GPA is important in being accepted into your college and/or university of choice.

Aqeelah Kemi Rufai, an engineering major at OSU and part of the National Society of Black Engineers, further shared that grades and the ACT are important. Rufia told students about her time in high school and the transition from high school to college along with the responsibilities she had to face with being on her own for the first time. Rufia also talked about how to be successful in college.

Information regarding the next forum/learning sessions will be shared via letters to parents of students and on the Attucks Community Alliance Facebook page. Questions or concerns can be sent to [email protected].