Filing To Open Monday For Tonkawa City Council Positions


Two of the three incumbents in the Tonkawa city elections this year have previously announced that they will be seeking re-election. The annual city election is scheduled for Tuesday, April 2. Filings for the election will be from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, Feb. 4-6, at the county election board office in the basement of the Kay County Courthouse in Newkirk.

The city positions up for election are one at-large, ward three and ward four. All three positions are for four year terms on the city council. Positions on the city council are non-paid and non-partisan. At-large councilman Charles Conaghan is the lone incumbent that will not seek a re-election. Ward three incumbent Jack Evans and ward four incumbent Rick Allan both previously announced that they will seek re-election.

Councilmen Kenneth Smith and Dr. Glenn Cope still have two years remaining on their terms.