The Southwest Power Pool (SPP) declared an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 3 at 10:08 a.m.
An EEA3 signals that SPP is operating with reserves below the required minimum and may mean that SPP directs power suppliers to curtail energy use through controlled interruptions of service. That request has not been made at this time, but may be made soon. Should curtailments be required, OMPA MAY NOT have ample warning on when these curtailments will happen. We will try to give you as much notice as we possibly can, but again, OMPA may not get much notice on when these curtailments will happen from the transmission operators.
If curtailments have to be taken, OMPA will provide further communication, as well as language member utilities can use to communicate to their customers about the situation. We ask that you continue to urge your customers on the severity of this issue and ask them to conserve electricity and natural gas where they can. OMPA will continue to keep you updated as we navigate through this situation.