East Middle School BPA Students Participate in State Leadership Conference


The BPA organization at East Middle School competed and placed in eight events at the State Leadership Conference held virtually. The list of events and student rankings are listed below. All participating East Middle School students qualified to compete at the BPA Virtual National Leadership Conference May 5-9, 2021.

Financial Literacy: 5th– Abby Chamberlin
Digital Citizenship: 1st – Sampson Spain, 3rd – Charlcy VanTuyl, 5th – Harrison Poet, 6th – Caitlin Cooper, and
9th – Saige Leven.
Digital Game Design Team: 1st – Caitlin Cooper, Christian Fezer, Rachel Lawson, and Charlcy VanTuyl
Graphic Design Promotion: 4th – Terryn Goddard, and 5th – Stormy Lowe
Introduction to Video Production Team:  2nd – Anderson Bivins, Harrison Poet, Sampson Spain
Human Resource Exploration: 1st – Andi Massey and 2nd – Saige Leven
Business Communication Skills Concepts: 1st – Rachel Lawson and 3rd – Andi Massey
Computer Literacy Concepts: 2nd – Rachel Lawson, 4th – Terryn Goddard, and 6th – Paris Valdez

Business Professionals of America is the nation’s leading Career and Technical Student Organization for students pursuing careers in business management, information technology, finance, accounting, office administration, and other business-related career fields. The mission of BPA is to develop and empower student leaders to discover their passion and change the world by creating unmatched opportunities in learning, professional growth and service.


Pictured Top Left, #1, L-R: Back Row: Anderson Bivins, Charlcy VanTuyl, Paris Valdez, Sampson Spain, Harrison Poet, Christian Fezer; Front Row: Andi Massey, Saige Leven, Rachel Lawson, Abby Chamberlin
Not pictured: Caitlin Cooper, Terryn Goddard and Stormy Lowe

Pictured Top Right, L-R: Digital Game Design Team – 1st Place: Rachel Lawson, Charlcy VanTuyl, Christian Fezer; Not Pictured: Caitlin Cooper

Pictured Bottom Left, #3, L-R: Back Row: Christian Fezer, Sampson Spain, Caitlin Cooper, Charlcy VanTuyl, Terryn Goddard, Abby Chamberlin, Harrison Poet,  Anderson Bivins; Front Row: Rachel Lawson, Saige Leven, Andi Massey; Not pictured: Stormy Lowe and Paris Valdez

Pictured Bottom Right: L-R: Introduction to Video Production Team – 2nd Place: Sampson Spain, Harrison Poet, Anderson Bivins