Early voting starts Thursday for April 6 elections


If you wish to vote in-person early for the April 6 Municipal elections, you can do so starting Thursday. Early voting will be at the Kay County Courthouse in Newkirk Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m.

Elections are on the ballots in Blackwell, Newkirk, and Tonkawa, Frontier School District, and Billings School District.

On the ballot, Brian Bowling and Mary Allan will square off for a Tonkawa School Board seat and Glenn Cope and Charles Conaghan are competing for a Tonkawa City Council seat.

For Newkirk, Landon Carpernter and Jeff Schieber are competing for a school board seat while Brian Hobbs and Dereck Cassady compete for Newkirk Mayor.

In Blackwell, Julie Green and T.J. Greenfield compete for the mayor seat and Ward #4 Candidates are Steve Marquardt and Chad Shepherd.

A two member bipartisan Absentee Voting Board will be on duty both days to assist voters.

Those that go to vote early will need to fill out an application form and swear that they’ve not voted with a regular mail absentee ballot already and will not vote on election.

Once the voter fills out a ballot, they’ll place them in the voting device just like how it is at any polling place.

To learn more information, you can contact the Kay County Election Board at 201 South Main Street in Newkirk in the basement of the Kay County Courthouse at 580-362-2130.